Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:32:02WaGsi love the cover page to this server
20:32:13Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ WaGs ^0&^ StiffyBaby ^0&^ oreo_ ^0&^ homieinreeboks
20:32:13Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spoonlololol ^0&^ explOSION ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ Moya
20:33:12KiNGz . D. Rose'idc
20:33:18KiNGz . D. Rose'auto
20:33:26KiNGz . D. Rose'already did
20:33:27KiNGz . D. Rose'I win
20:33:32KiNGz . D. Rose'xplo
20:33:54KiNGz . D. Rose'uh
20:33:54THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSauceste60 seconds
20:34:04KiNGz . D. Rose'hltv
20:34:05moYASorry, Had to dig up my router info.
20:34:15KiNGz . D. Rose'oreo
20:34:16explosionastics dept.-40-3 w00ps
20:34:21Debbie Detpackswags or moya?
20:34:24Debbie Detpacksmoya
20:34:27KiNGz . D. Rose'wags
20:34:29THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSauceste60 seconds
20:34:30KiNGz . D. Rose'2 - 14
20:34:36THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucesteeverybody cool
20:34:38KiNGz . D. Rose'play medic
20:34:38THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucestewith teams
20:34:39KiNGz . D. Rose'someone
20:34:59THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSauceste60 seconds
20:35:01oreoill try nigga
20:35:19THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucesteI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 100 | 300
20:35:23THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSauceste60 seconds
20:35:48THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSauceste60 seconds
20:35:55THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucesteexplo erre
20:36:01THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucestewhat do i type
20:36:13THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSauceste60 seconds
20:36:22THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucestek live on end
20:36:30KiNGz . D. Rose'wags whining
20:36:34KiNGz . D. Rose'plz cut
20:36:38THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucestelet it run
20:36:42THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucesteover here
20:36:50WaGssuck my left nuts
20:37:08Debbie Detpacksbrb 2 left nuts
20:48:48Debbie DetpacksNOT ON MY WATCH 57 32
20:49:35THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucesteI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 100 | 300
20:50:00THSMachine.KingSauceyMcSaucesteI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 96 | 283
20:51:48KiNGz . D. Rose'gg
20:51:59explosionastics dept.brings it back?