Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:37:18KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzforgot, boss is 33 tic
16:38:11cl_interpocakefps better with w8
16:38:15KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzshocker
16:38:19KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzadmin join pls
16:38:26cl_interpocakeguessing they actually tried with the drivers
16:38:39Oreo^HeLLthey'll let u down eventually
16:38:54KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzworst pyro
16:38:56KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzin theg ame
16:39:07Oreo^HeLLgotta be able to aim rocket things
16:39:12cl_interpocakeyea!! LoLz!!
16:39:13cl_interpocakeyea!! LoLz!!
16:39:14Oreo^HeLLand i think we all know my aim with those
16:39:16KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzin da club, high on purp, with some shades on 40 2
16:39:21cl_interpocakeyea!! LoLz!!
16:39:22cl_interpocakeyea!! LoLz!!
16:39:32WhenFFwillOutgot a real keyboard now
16:39:36WhenFFwillOutactually have to press
16:39:42KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzlol
16:39:48cl_interpocakeu even press br0?
16:39:51Oreo^HeLLcant mooney and neon be red so i have better chance to be other team
16:39:57WhenFFwillOuti want oreo
16:39:59KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzok fine
16:40:02WhenFFwillOutso i can pipe him
16:40:16KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzrodox is converting files
16:40:21WhenFFwillOutcan i be blue capt
16:40:22KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzhell be here shortly
16:40:24WhenFFwillOuti wanna pick oreo
16:40:25KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzrofl
16:40:45Oreo^HeLLnigga only wants to captain to fuck shit up
16:40:52KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yz!Teams
16:40:52Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oreo` ^0&^ pip ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ gerrie
16:40:52Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ cake ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ wak
16:40:57KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzadmin wak
16:41:00KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzadmin pip
16:41:01WhenFFwillOutlemme pick water over mafiaman
16:41:04WhenFFwillOutthat was a good pickup
16:42:54KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yz:/
16:42:57KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzstarting ot not have the time for this
16:43:11cl_interpocakeyou have time for anything
16:43:21KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yznegative
16:43:28WhenFFwillOutno time to shower
16:43:30Oreo^HeLLi msg'd hadez to come in
16:45:14KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzadmin yeah i dont have much time
16:46:31Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oreo` ^0&^ pip ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ gerrie
16:46:31Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ cake ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ wak
16:46:33Oreo^HeLLneed sub them
16:46:39KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzwak is converting
16:46:51KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzpip cant join for wwhatever reason?
16:46:54cynical^HeLLmy eyues are tired
16:47:29Oreo^HeLLfda in for pip?
16:47:35Oreo^HeLLand lets get this going?
16:47:41KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzwe still have to wait for wak
16:47:46cynical^HeLLwe can pick at least
16:47:49Oreo^HeLLpick while we wait
16:48:09[lit this green] rodoxmy game seems way choppier
16:48:16Oreo^HeLLits fine
16:48:16KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzinterp
16:48:18WhenFFwillOutturn off cheats
16:48:20[lit this green] rodoxlol
16:48:22[lit this green] rodoxits not
16:48:26[lit this green] rodoxfps drops
16:48:35cl_interpocakeyou switched place swith me?
16:48:37Oreo^HeLLbuy a newer comp
16:48:42[lit this green] rodoxbrand new comp
16:48:50Oreo^HeLL7then ur fucked now leggo
16:48:53cl_interpocakefinally not getting fps drops
16:48:55[lit this green] rodoxbrb
16:49:09waksry about that
16:49:11wakhad no idea
16:49:14KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzits k
16:49:14cl_interpocakenp m8
16:49:27wakwtf neighbour needed help
16:49:32wakcant just leave a neighbour
16:50:13KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzadmin do you mind being substituted for now
16:51:22WhenFFwillOutHeal me!! [-5 Health - 20 Armor]
16:51:35KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzfda can you take over
16:51:40KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzreally dont have time for this anymore
16:51:48cynical^HeLLcan we just start a new one
16:51:52KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yzsure do that
16:51:53WhenFFwillOutwe are 8 here no?
16:51:56cynical^HeLLwith ppl who give a fuk
16:51:57KiNGz . NeoNLight-SaucyB0yz7
16:52:20Oreo^HeLLlol this is just fantastic finally fill 1 and this goes down
16:54:19waknew pickup btw
16:54:27cl_interpocakegj rodox
16:54:32[lit this green] rodoxwtffff
16:54:34[lit this green] rodoxhow is it my fault
16:54:42cl_interpocakehad to leave to turn hax on
16:54:44FDAwaiting on u scrub nub
16:54:46cl_interpocakeeveryone elaves
16:54:51[lit this green] rodoxwe were waiting on pip u mean
16:54:58cl_interpocakeim jk jeeeez
16:55:04FDAno i was subbing pip
16:55:10[lit this green] rodoxno u wer subbing wak
16:55:17[lit this green] rodoxbefore i left