Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
18:48:52( BOSS . Vinny )destroy?
18:48:57K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 75 50
18:49:26hadeZjust keep in mind the map has to be on the ugc map list
18:49:31hadeZwhich is pretty big
18:49:56K^. Vossuh
18:50:26K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 17 29
18:50:33BOSS | KingCawwe doing this map
18:50:37K^. Vosssure
18:50:41BOSS | KingCawor a diff?
18:50:45K^. Vossthis i guess
18:50:47K^. homie'I vote komodo
18:50:55K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3sharks_a2
18:50:58hadeZu guys can play any map actually lolz the map list is down
18:51:07hadeZso feeel free to play any map
18:51:08K^. VossgG
18:51:10( BOSS . Vinny )i love how features is the last minute add
18:51:12K^. Vossderive
18:51:14BOSS | KingCaw1 1/2 pm plz
18:51:17K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
18:51:18BOSS | KingCawso
18:51:24BOSS | KingCawhadez said free for all
18:51:27BOSS | KingCawthis or diff?
18:51:30K^. Vossthis
18:51:32K^. aleXtrictoo hard to pick
18:51:44BOSS | KingCawk give us 90 sec PM
18:51:45BOSS | KingCawplz
18:51:49hadeZ!nominate mortality
18:51:49K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
18:51:51BOSS | KingCawsince theres no break in between
18:52:00K^. homie'needs his swimmies
18:52:00K^. aleXtricjust do ur line
18:52:11K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
18:52:26K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 52 41
18:53:06K^. aleXtricgood?
18:53:07K^. aleXtric^715 seconds left of prematch!
18:53:08K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
18:53:14BOSS | KingCaw60 moreplz
18:53:22K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
18:54:08K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
18:54:11K^. aleXtricvinny ded?
18:54:17BOSS | Sabbathrip
18:54:20K^. homie'ripe
18:54:20BOSS | fdasi
18:54:21K^. Vossripe in peas
18:54:23K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:24K^. Vosspea brain 75 32
18:54:30K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:31K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:32K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:32K^. aleXtricplease bro vote for my baby 57 40
18:54:33K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:33K^. VossFeed into the miracle, don't be fuckin cynical 75 32
18:54:33K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:34K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:35K^. homie'pea brain 90 :: 100
18:54:40K^. homie'thought that would summon him
18:54:47K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3pea brainz 90 | 69
18:54:51K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
18:54:55K^. aleXtricwhere is he
18:55:00BOSS | Sabbathidk m8
18:55:03K^. Vossuw0tm8
18:55:15K^. aleXtriccut his ethernet cablE?
18:55:26K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
18:55:48BOSS | fdaslit his internet wrists
18:55:57BOSS | Sabbathhere he cum
18:56:01K^. homie'goodbyee router
18:56:04K^. Vosssoobaf
18:56:09K^. homie'sleep well sweet prince
18:56:14BOSS | KingCaw30 more then liver
18:56:17K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
18:56:46K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
18:56:49K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
18:57:04K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3Can you send me some nude pics 90 | 100
18:57:12K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3I didn't know you could tan those parts 80 | 100
18:57:13K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3You look like an angel fell out of the sky 80 | 100
18:57:14K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3saveme
18:57:16K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3I promise I won't cream in your muffin 82 | 100
18:57:19K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
18:57:24K^. aleXtriclive after dis
18:57:25K^. Vosslive on end
18:57:25K^. Vosshf
18:57:35BOSS | KingCawvtb crashed again
18:57:36BOSS | fdavinzo dropped
18:57:38K^. Vossk
18:57:43K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
19:01:02K^. aleXtricFlag tossed -9 0
19:01:50K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 41 19
19:01:53K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 14 0
19:01:54K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 8 0
19:04:26K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 87 22
19:04:31K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 43 0
19:04:47K^. aleXtricFlag tossed -26 0
19:05:05K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 31 22
19:05:11K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3?
19:05:12BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 54 - 23
19:06:27BOSS | KingCawI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 98 | 208
19:06:47BOSS | KingCawI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 71 | 100
19:08:42K^. aleXtricFlag tossed -18 0
19:09:30K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 78 92
19:09:31K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 13 0
19:10:24K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 34 29
19:10:27K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 25 14
19:13:14K^. homie'gg
19:13:15BOSS | KingCawGG