Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
19:14:01K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT
19:14:02K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT
19:14:03K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT
19:14:03K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2100 300 ^5HEALTH ALERT
19:14:20K^. aleXtricRESISTORS! CIRCUITS! FIREWORKS! 54 50
19:14:37K^. Vossvinny die again?
19:14:48BOSS | Sabbathgross
19:14:49K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3TEEN TITTIES
19:14:52BOSS | Sabbathlol!
19:14:59BOSS | Sabbathso small
19:15:49K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3censor
19:16:06K^. Voss?
19:16:10BOSS | Sabbathcrashed
19:16:17K^. Voss5m to recoonect?
19:16:17K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
19:16:23K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3gotta tshoot those pc's
19:16:23BOSS | Sabbathaxe him
19:16:27K^. Vosssry my canadian is coming out
19:17:00K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
19:17:04K^. Voss98 291
19:17:17K^. Vossi dont have time to wait?
19:17:26BOSS | Sabbathgivashit?
19:17:42K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3so hostile
19:17:48K^. aleXtricvery hostile
19:18:46K^. Vossmr admin how long do we have to wait
19:18:56hadeZ3 hours
19:19:00K^. Vossk we forfiet then
19:19:04K^. VossROFL
19:19:14hadeZi tihnk hes on his way
19:19:21hadeZi can sub if u want till he gets back if BOSS allows it
19:19:22K^. homie'you guys can get a oreo as a sub
19:19:24K^. homie'neon said that's ok
19:19:24K^. aleXtricbuying new ethernet cable
19:19:25K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 69 50
19:19:39BOSS | Sabbath5 mins
19:19:40BOSS | Sabbathnot even
19:19:44BOSS | Sabbathwords from vincent
19:19:44K^. Vosstaking ur word
19:19:48K^. Voss10 seconds later we win
19:19:52BOSS | Sabbathagreed
19:20:01hadeZ30 seconds later banned
19:20:09BOSS | Sabbathfair enough
19:20:12hadeZjust get br0dox
19:20:17BOSS | Sabbathhe quit
19:20:22BOSS | fdawonder why
19:20:24BOSS | Sabbath/life
19:20:27BOSS | KingCawBR0D0X BANNED 0R?
19:21:18K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
19:21:20K^. aleXtric^715 seconds left of prematch!
19:21:21VtBfan had a wire stuck
19:21:24VtBso it was crashing overheating
19:21:42BOSS | KingCawcan we get naother 20 sec
19:21:45BOSS | KingCawvtb not on mum
19:21:45K^. aleXtric^715 seconds left of prematch!
19:21:46K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
19:22:06K^. Vosshf
19:27:18K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^222 73 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^222 73 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^222 73 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^222 73 ^5HEALTH ALERT
19:31:47BOSS | Sabbathlol
19:31:50K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3I remember when Blx said that Vinny makes the jersey shore guys look like respectable citizens 100 200
19:34:35K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3LOL
19:36:29K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 37 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 37 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 37 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 37 ^5HEALTH ALERT
19:37:05K^. Vossgg
19:37:11K^. homie'gg
19:37:11BOSS | KingCawGG
19:37:12K^. aleXtricgg
19:37:13hadeZthanks for playing b4 deadline
19:37:13BOSS | Sabbathgg
19:37:16hadeZwinner reports gg