Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:34:05K^. aleXtric!teams
20:34:05Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ GarytheSnail ^0&^ pipp
20:34:05Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Fruitcake ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
20:34:15K^. aleXtricme n u oats?
20:34:19K^. oatssure
20:34:24K^. aleXtricwait maybe me and gary again
20:34:26K^. aleXtricit worked good
20:34:30K^. aleXtrica tie game
20:34:56K^. Featachu-alex
20:35:00K^. aleXtrici think he'll pick cyn
20:35:01K^. aleXtricwhat
20:35:05K^. Featachu-can u tell stiffy to stop talking about dicks
20:35:09K^. Featachu-and join
20:35:15K^. aleXtricadmin stiffy stop with the dick talk
20:35:27K^. aleXtriche has to have a chode if hes still talking about it
20:35:39K^. Featachu-he is probably azn sized
20:35:44K^. Featachu-for her tiny pussy
20:35:49piphow many fps do you all get????
20:35:51K^. aleXtrichis name is stiffy
20:35:52K^. oats300
20:35:56K^. Featachu-~300
20:35:57K^. aleXtricevidence for penile insecurities
20:36:02K^. oats420
20:36:09K^. oats#blazeit
20:36:17K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 68 50
20:36:25K^. aleXtrici get good fps here
20:36:28K^. aleXtricusually hover 80
20:36:35K^. oatsyou playing on a toaster?
20:36:40K^. Featachu-oh yeah
20:36:42K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
20:36:46K^. Featachu-iforgot to pick up those parts
20:36:48K^. Featachu-woops
20:36:51K^. aleXtriclol
20:37:00K^. aleXtric!teams
20:37:00Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ GarytheSnail ^0&^ pipp
20:37:00Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Fruitcake ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
20:37:02K^. Featachu-lol lisa probably thinks im a dick now
20:37:10( Nt . cynical )i hate that name
20:37:11( Nt . cynical )lisa
20:37:14K^. Featachu-told her i'd be down tuesday to get them
20:37:54K^. aleXtricgary pubbing
20:37:56K^. aleXtricso dumb
20:38:01K^. Featachu-too good
20:38:11( Nt . cynical )can't they redo this map with textures
20:38:19pipi got your # FDA
20:38:21K^. oatsthey can
20:38:28K^. Featachu-if u ask the person who did
20:38:30( Nt . cynical )these were my tfc textures
20:38:32K^. aleXtricsqueek
20:38:42K^. aleXtricsqueek takes 0 requests
20:38:46K^. Featachu-thought brandon did these
20:38:47K^. aleXtrictrust me
20:38:50K^. oatsi could remake it with textures
20:38:52K^. oatsno point though
20:38:55K^. oatsid rather remake a new map
20:39:01( Nt . cynical )i get vertigo with blank walls
20:39:15K^. aleXtricFlag tossed 72 50
20:39:20-iD- MafiaManoh it filled
20:39:31K^. aleXtricur blu
20:39:31K^. Featachu-mafia turning into a stiffy
20:39:49-iD- MafiaManoats
20:39:51-iD- MafiaMan@teams
20:39:51Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ GarytheSnail ^0&^ pipp
20:39:51Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Fruitcake ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
20:39:58K^. aleXtricfeat cyn
20:40:06-iD- MafiaManstif
20:40:09K^. aleXtric!teams
20:40:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ GarytheSnail ^0&^ pipp
20:40:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Fruitcake ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ StiffMyWiff
20:40:13K^. aleXtricfruit
20:40:15-iD- MafiaManpeep
20:40:31K^. oatsstiffy still worse
20:41:24-iD- MafiaMansoo
20:41:39-iD- MafiaMandont even need to be on time
20:41:42-iD- MafiaMangonna wait for stiffy anyway
20:42:09K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
20:42:31( Nt . cynical )i havn't played in like 2 weeks
20:42:36pipalexander super tramp
20:42:42-iD- MafiaManguess who still doesn't have a class picked
20:42:44AINTNOTHINBUTTHATADDERRALADRENA1 more 45 sec please oh please
20:42:48K^. aleXtricno
20:42:54K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
20:42:55K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
20:42:57K^. aleXtricok
20:42:59FDA20 bucks
20:43:05K^. Featachu-pay for this months server bill
20:43:13-iD- MafiaManlose your admin
20:43:15-iD- MafiaManfor extend
20:43:21K^. Featachu-yeah and i get it
20:43:25FDApaypal me 50 bucks and i'll give you all the pm you want for a month
20:43:26K^. Featachu-instead
20:43:38-iD- MafiaManstiffy washing hands again
20:54:14K^. Featachu-wtf
20:54:16-iD- MafiaManmeow [69.22]