Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
10:23:13Troublesome Lockerwelp
10:23:34Troublesome Lockerfuck
10:23:50Troublesome LockerSO close
10:26:45Troublesome LockerDERNIT
10:28:05Troublesome LockerI keep breaking my legs and bouncing off when i conc the top
10:28:07Troublesome Lockery'know?
10:28:10Troublesome Lockerto get in through bats
10:29:22Troublesome Lockerthis is more stressful than fun at this point
10:29:27Troublesome Lockeri can see why this map isn't played :p
10:29:33FDAkinda a bad map yes
10:29:43Troublesome Lockerwasn't paying attention and concd
10:29:44Troublesome Lockerwin
10:29:46Troublesome Lockersmh