Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:47:41InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLu cant be srs...
22:47:46K^. VossROFL
22:47:50pandaxpressyeh, wtf is this
22:47:54pandaxpresspub map
22:47:57K^. homie'calm down fox
22:48:39K^. aleXtric!teams
22:48:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Furinax ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Tulkas ^0&^ Gary`away
22:48:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ pandaxpress ^0&^ oreo
22:48:50K^. aleXtricFlag tossed -1 23
22:49:37MafiaMan^HeLL20 fps
22:49:42InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLis it too late to vote 3
22:49:46K^. VossuROFL
22:49:53pandaxpressplz can we do another map?
22:49:55K^. aleXtric^260 seconds until prematch ends!
22:50:06K^. aleXtric!teams
22:50:06Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Furinax ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Tulkas ^0&^ Gary`away
22:50:06Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ pandaxpress ^0&^ oreo
22:50:14InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLthis it is
22:50:24K^. aleXtricgary vs mafia
22:50:31K^. aleXtricgary vs neon
22:50:36MafiaMan^HeLLme vs ME
22:50:39K^. homie'rofl
22:50:42InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLholy shit
22:50:43K^. aleXtricmafia vs gary
22:50:47InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLred and blue both get bad capts
22:50:48K^. homie'neon vs voss
22:50:48K^. homie'imo
22:50:52pandaxpressstupid map, but w/e
22:50:53K^. aleXtricethan vs homie
22:50:58K^. homie'alex vs gma
22:51:03K^. aleXtricsame person
22:51:07K^. aleXtricshe doesnt exist i created her
22:51:21K^. Vossuh
22:51:23K^. Vossoreo
22:51:30InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLbad pick
22:51:35K^. Vosstulkas
22:51:37InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLi'm like half here
22:52:10K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
22:52:42K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 30 seconds
22:52:43K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
22:53:05Jeradim engaged!
22:53:08K^. aleXtricPrematch ends in 45 seconds
22:53:10MafiaMan^HeLLto a guy!
22:58:32K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 90 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 90 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 90 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^230 90 ^5HEALTH ALERT
22:58:38K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^229 84 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^229 84 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^229 84 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^229 84 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:02:48K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^220 95 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^220 95 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^220 95 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^220 95 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:02:56K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^23 29 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^23 29 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^23 29 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^23 29 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:05:17K^. Vosshi crush
23:05:44K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^226 82 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^226 82 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^226 82 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^226 82 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:06:17K^. Voss^5HEALTH ALERT ^234 43 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^234 43 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^234 43 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^234 43 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:08:25K^. Voss100 300
23:08:55K^. aleXtricgg