Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:07:11dragsterthis won
23:07:11K^. homie'spectate
23:07:19K^. King of Rails@teams
23:07:19Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ oats ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ homieinreeboks
23:07:19Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ aleXtric
23:07:22K^. homie'spectate
23:07:24K^. King of Railsoats squeek
23:07:33K^. Protect the Silo!teams
23:07:33Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ oats ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ homieinreeboks
23:07:33Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ aleXtric
23:07:44K^. King of RailsFlag tossed 63 50
23:07:48K^. homie'oreo
23:07:48K^. oatslol?
23:07:50K^. oats@teams
23:07:50Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ oats ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ homieinreeboks
23:07:50Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ aleXtric
23:08:08K^. King of RailsFDA
23:08:11InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLwhy u fuckin up the picks i did in my hed
23:09:27K^. oats@teams
23:09:27Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ oats ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ homieinreeboks
23:09:27Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ nadeshot ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ aleXtric
23:09:55K^. King of RailsFlag tossed 23 18
23:09:56K^. King of Rails@admin
23:09:56Console^Admin:^0 homieinreeboks
23:10:18K^. homie'waiting on titan to buy new account
23:10:23K^. Protect the Silo>buy a new acct
23:10:41K^. Protect the Silo<@squeek> im just a furious person 12 23
23:10:44K^. homie'<squeek.> excuse me
23:10:46K^. Protect the Silowe r eggcelent -9 14
23:10:47squeek.worst sport in the game 64 | 35
23:10:54K^. Protect the Silo<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
23:11:01K^. homie'squeek's one bind
23:11:03K^. homie'so honored
23:11:08squeek.69 | 50
23:11:11K^. homie'doesnt count
23:11:17K^. homie'neither does that
23:11:24K^. Protect the Siloi bet 'sorry' is bound
23:11:24K^. King of RailsLOL
23:11:26squeek.everything i type is actually a bind
23:11:33K^. homie'he has voice to text
23:11:38K^. homie'has program set up
23:11:43K^. homie'to auto bind
23:12:59K^. King of Railsnice map squeek
23:13:08squeek.thank you
23:13:12K^. King of Railsspec me
23:13:15K^. homie'ff_holes_classic?
23:13:19K^. King of RailsyLOl
23:13:20K^. King of RailsLOL
23:13:29K^. oatsoh god
23:13:30K^. homie'ff_leaks_and_luas
23:13:30squeek.change map
23:13:32K^. oatsmap is ruined
23:13:32K^. Protect the SiloROFL
23:13:33K^. oatsrtv
23:13:34K^. King of RailsLOL
23:13:40K^. homie'inc good map
23:13:41K^. homie'komodo
23:13:49K^. Protect the Siloff_sewers
23:14:01K^. oatsso is titan coming or?
23:14:01K^. Protect the Silosn0re
23:14:05K^. King of Rails!enedsuvb
23:14:07K^. King of Rails!needsub
23:14:07ConsoleSubstitute player request created
23:14:35InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLi dont got ftp i cant find out
23:14:40InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLtell alex to look at it
23:15:00InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLonly thing it should ban him for is the fye detection
23:15:11InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLwhich detects for walls
23:15:25K^. homie'gimmie them sneaks 15 :: 0
23:15:28K^. Protect the SiloTwo in the twiddle 90 100
23:15:32K^. homie'squeek join us
23:15:33K^. homie'on blue
23:15:40K^. Protect the Silo<FDA> eat your pubes and jump of a cliff 90 100
23:15:58InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLi can ask panda to sub
23:16:02InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLfox w.e
23:16:02K^. homie'ok
23:16:03K^. King of RailsL 11/21/2013 - 23:07:43: Bad CVar response: dragster (ID: STEAM_0:1:28852840 | IP: has convar
23:16:11K^. King of Railsr_drawothermodels
23:16:12K^. Protect the Silo^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:16:14K^. King of Rails2
23:16:14K^. homie'lol
23:16:17K^. Protect the Silo^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:16:18K^. Protect the Silo^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:16:21K^. King of Railsyep
23:16:33K^. Protect the SilogG
23:16:35K^. King of Railsgg titan
23:16:35K^. Protect the Silotiome ot ban
23:16:37InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLtold you
23:16:42InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLhe got caught walling
23:16:49K^. oatsit lets you bypass sv_cheats
23:16:55K^. oatsuse cheat commands
23:17:00K^. King of Railswe know
23:17:06InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLi told u
23:17:29pandaxpresswho is cheating
23:17:32K^. homie'me
23:17:34K^. Protect the Silo90 100
23:17:37K^. King of Railslive?
23:17:37K^. homie'letting me have one last time tho
23:17:37InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLr_drawothermodels 2?
23:17:39pandaxpressi know u do, who else
23:17:45K^. homie'rofl
23:17:52K^. Protect the Siloexposed by fox
23:17:52K^. homie'GET ON YOUR TEAMS
23:18:00K^. King of Railslive?
23:18:17K^. homie'SPEC
23:18:18K^. oatsis panda subbing?
23:18:18K^. homie'SPEC
23:18:20K^. homie'yes
23:18:22InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLmat_wireframe and mat_proxy werent on there
23:18:22K^. homie'SPEC
23:18:26InfinitE-sG.exe^HeLLthose are wallhacks
23:18:32pandaxpresshi oats
23:18:34K^. oatshey
23:18:40pandaxpressthey call me fox i dont know why
23:18:48K^. homie'your pick
23:18:50K^. homie'alexy
23:19:00pandaxpresscan someone show me map
23:19:02K^. King of Railsoats and squeek
23:19:02pandaxpressjust downloaded it
23:19:07squeek.its like the one in tfc
23:19:15K^. King of Railsexcept this has holes
23:19:19K^. Protect the Silojsut look around in spectate
23:19:19K^. homie'yeah
23:19:25K^. homie'fda
23:19:38pandaxpressok got it pretty easy
23:19:39K^. King of Railspanada
23:20:08pandaxpressi dont have comm
23:20:09K^. King of RailsPrematch ends in 30 seconds
23:20:10K^. homie'gl hf
23:20:11K^. oatsi dont lol
23:20:13pandaxpressi will demo
23:20:21K^. oatslet him water solly
23:20:22pandaxpresswhere do i play
23:20:24K^. oatsor someting
23:20:27pandaxpressextend PM
23:20:33K^. King of RailsPrematch ends in 30 seconds
23:20:44K^. Protect the Silowe're gunna run 1 shnozes and 2 alex noses
23:20:45K^. Protect the Silo-homie
23:20:47pandaxpresswhere i stand
23:20:49pandaxpressshow me
23:21:04K^. Protect the SiloFeed into the miracle, don't be fuckin cynical 90 100
23:23:03pandaxpressINCOMING RAMP
23:23:19pandaxpressINCOMING RAMP
23:23:19pandaxpressINCOMING RAMP
23:23:26K^. Protect the Silo90 100
23:24:45pandaxpressINCOMING RAMP
23:24:46pandaxpressINCOMING RAMP
23:24:50K^. Protect the Silowe r eggcelent 90 100
23:31:05K^. homie'kasjflkasjgf
23:32:08K^. Protect the SiloMirrors *hair flip* 77 100
23:33:06K^. Protect the Silo^5HEALTH ALERT ^238 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^238 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^238 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^238 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:33:06K^. Protect the Silo^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:33:07K^. Protect the Silo^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^240 21 ^5HEALTH ALERT
23:35:38K^. oatsaw
23:35:39K^. Protect the Silo90 100
23:35:41K^. oats51 63
23:35:44K^. Protect the SiloTwo in the twiddle 81 100
23:36:04K^. homie'gg
23:36:05K^. oatsgg
23:36:06K^. Protect the Silogg