Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:25:54spoon^HeLLNOT ON MY WATCH 75 50
20:26:21VtBgl hf
20:31:59FDAwhat's pw
20:32:04Sylvester SpitshineUNDERWORLD
20:32:05Sylvester SpitshineNO CPAS
20:32:13FDAthis is retarded
20:32:23Sabbathcap while u can baddies
20:32:34FDAyou guys set up a pw
20:32:38FDAthen it's different
20:32:46Oreo^HeLLi got in with underworld
20:32:46spoon^HeLLits underworld
20:32:55Oreo^HeLLwhats what it was earlier?
20:32:55ShivakaminiSomakandarkram^HeLLits been underworld every match weve played
20:32:57001wtahs pass ?
20:33:00VtBfuckin bs
20:33:01001whats the pass ?
20:33:04VtBwhat are we doing?
20:33:05Sylvester Spitshineunderworld is the pw
20:33:14VtBare we restartiung?
20:33:22VtBi think it should be 1 cap 12 min
20:33:25Sylvester Spitshineadmin are we rsing or playing
20:33:38VtBit was 11 30 when i lagged out
20:33:41Oreo^HeLLwhats going on lol
20:33:42VtBim assuming everyone lagged out at that point
20:33:45001RS the round
20:33:51VtBjust rs
20:33:52001too many lagged
20:33:56001RS it :)
20:34:10Consolewhat a joke
20:34:14ShivakaminiSomakandarkram^HeLLok everyone fix your hacks, and your connections
20:34:15ShivakaminiSomakandarkram^HeLLand lets go
20:34:26VtBso are you restarting
20:34:27VtBor what