Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
12:45:16beees^BiNGznever played so poorly before
12:45:27haydis37 deaths = 37 mirvs
12:45:44pandaxpressjust woke up and there's no soly or sg
12:45:53pandaxpresscan't take pressure this early
12:45:58K^. Features-k fox
12:46:00K^. Vasei just woke up too
12:46:06beees^BiNGzmy aim is pretty abysmal right now
12:46:08pandaxpressim west coast
12:46:17pandaxpressand i was up until 4 am last night, u can ask stiffy
12:46:21OhBabyyyyI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 51 | 109
12:46:24haydisim using a prostetic arm and my penis has been erect for over 4 hours
12:46:26OhBabyyyyweeak saD excuse
12:46:33OhBabyyyyi sitll havent slept panda
12:46:44pandaxpressi did for 4.5 hrs
12:46:49haydisdos naisl
12:47:00beees^BiNGzusing a footpedal to play
12:47:03haydisscout should get 150 nails in his nailgun
12:47:05haydisnot 100
12:47:05beees^BiNGzalso don't have legs
12:47:27K^. Features-pea brainz 90 | 100
12:47:44OhBabyyyyI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 100 | 300
12:47:50beees^BiNGzhave an afk
12:47:52haydisBANG! FIREWORKS! -16 16 BANG! CURCUITS!
12:47:55VtBwe can rs
12:47:59haydishave you tried shooting the flag? 75 50
12:48:02beees^BiNGzyou back feats
12:48:18beees^BiNGztell us next time :x
12:48:20haydisgot button and flag out in 30 seconds
12:48:21haydislets rs
12:48:25K^. Vaselol
12:49:28haydisMedic! -8|18
12:49:34K^. Vase^5HEALTH ALERT ^214 38 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^214 38 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^214 38 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^214 38 ^5HEALTH ALERT
12:50:41haydisMedic! 69|50
12:50:42haydisMedic! 63|48
12:51:34K^. Features-can i get dropped conced more
12:51:46haydisMedic! 24|33
12:52:20K^. Vase^5HEALTH ALERT ^28 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^28 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^28 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^28 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT
12:52:42haydisBANG! FIREWORKS! 14 26 BANG! CURCUITS!
12:54:22haydisBANG! FIREWORKS! 75 50 BANG! CURCUITS!
12:54:24K^. Vase24 27
12:55:04K^. Features-.
12:56:19haydisBANG! FIREWORKS! 71 50 BANG! CURCUITS!
12:56:19K^. Features-pea brainz 90 | 100
12:57:09haydisBANG! FIREWORKS! 69 50 BANG! CURCUITS!
12:57:11K^. Vase90 120
13:00:07K^. Features-LOL
13:02:39K^. Features-rofl
13:02:40K^. Vase90 120
13:02:55haydisMedic! 75|50
13:03:03K^. Vase^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT