Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeRed Flag: 6 caps
19:10:02OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:10:02OreoMan^HeLL dropped Red Flag
19:10:50OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:10:58OreoMan^HeLL dropped Red Flag
19:11:23spoonlololol touched Red Flag
19:11:25spoonlololol threw Red Flag
19:11:27OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:11:27OreoMan^HeLL threw Red Flag
19:11:28K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:11:32K^. Voss the Valiant threw Red Flag
19:11:35OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:11:39 OreoMan^HeLL captured Red Flag
19:12:11K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:12:15K^. Voss the Valiant dropped Red Flag
19:12:34OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:12:36OreoMan^HeLL dropped Red Flag
19:12:50K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:12:50K^. Voss the Valiant threw Red Flag
19:12:52K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:12:54K^. Voss the Valiant dropped Red Flag
19:12:59Stiff_This_Dirty_Wiff touched Red Flag
19:13:03Stiff_This_Dirty_Wiff threw Red Flag
19:13:04OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:13:05OreoMan^HeLL dropped Red Flag
19:13:09K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:13:12K^. Voss the Valiant threw Red Flag
19:13:13OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:13:15OreoMan^HeLL dropped Red Flag
19:13:22OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:13:25 OreoMan^HeLL captured Red Flag
19:15:23K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:15:23K^. Voss the Valiant threw Red Flag
19:15:31Stiff_This_Dirty_Wiff touched Red Flag
19:15:31Stiff_This_Dirty_Wiff dropped Red Flag
19:15:42OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:15:51OreoMan^HeLL threw Red Flag
19:15:51spoonlololol touched Red Flag
19:15:55 spoonlololol captured Red Flag
19:18:15OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:18:16OreoMan^HeLL threw Red Flag
19:18:22K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:18:25K^. Voss the Valiant dropped Red Flag
19:18:28spoonlololol touched Red Flag
19:18:28spoonlololol dropped Red Flag
19:18:33OreoMan^HeLL touched Red Flag
19:18:48 OreoMan^HeLL captured Red Flag
19:19:48spoonlololol touched Red Flag
19:19:48spoonlololol dropped Red Flag
19:20:15K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:20:23K^. Voss the Valiant dropped Red Flag
19:20:27spoonlololol touched Red Flag
19:20:36 spoonlololol captured Red Flag
19:21:51K^. Voss the Valiant touched Red Flag
19:22:03K^. Voss the Valiant threw Red Flag
19:22:04spoonlololol touched Red Flag
19:22:13 spoonlololol captured Red Flag