Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:26:04WaGssorry was on thwe phone..
20:26:11iv| iddqd'LOL
20:26:16chef or somethingbro i was on the phone all game
20:26:17WaGstalking to wifey bout mom's brain surgery
20:26:18chef or somethingl2phone
20:26:19/.-at-.] idkfapretty sure you were afk literally 14 mintues of that round
20:26:25WaGsI'm serious
20:26:27WaGsmy bad
20:26:31cynicalreally? i thought you always played like that
20:26:31iv| iddqd'no worries
20:26:35WaGsfuck no
20:26:35iv| iddqd'ask for sub next time
20:26:37WaGsu kiddin me
20:26:39iv| iddqd'oreo was in spec
20:26:40raw2gudnew pickup?
20:26:43WaGsnah.. I was handlin it
20:26:45dankeykongguy trying to sub whole game
20:26:56iv| iddqd'OK
20:26:56/.-at-.] idkfayou...were not handling it
20:26:56WaGsi put her on speaker eventually
20:26:57OreoMancynical that was like
20:26:57iv| iddqd'NEW PICKUP
20:26:59iv| iddqd'OR FINISH
20:27:01raw2gudnew pickup
20:27:01iv| iddqd'CHOOSE
20:27:04dankeykongso i can leave
20:27:05OreoManu won
20:27:06cynicali would be down for new one as new one can fill
20:27:07/.-at-.] idkfafinish
20:27:11/.-at-.] idkfafinish with oreo
20:27:15cynicalas long as new one can fill
20:27:16WaGsi'm good
20:27:16/.-at-.] idkfadankey can leave if he wants
20:27:21dankeykongk oreo u can sub me
20:27:27/.-at-.] idkfasorry dankey
20:27:30WaGsnew one
20:27:32/.-at-.] idkfaor later
20:27:43Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Dark^Matter ^0&^ pooop_face ^0&^ twincannon ^0&^ FDA
20:27:43Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ cynical ^0&^ hir ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ rawDawg
20:27:47Console^Last round's score:^0 18 ^on^0 ff_schtop
20:27:57iv| iddqd'lol think raw wants a new one
20:28:03grimgg no re
20:28:09chef or somethingraw: yo ima quit /quit
20:28:11OreoMani dont give a fuck
20:28:14/.-at-.] idkfai don't have time
20:28:15OreoManwhat raw wants
20:28:16/.-at-.] idkfafor a new one
20:28:26chef or something3v3 r2 gogogo
20:28:54/.-at-.] idkfagj community
20:28:59/.-at-.] idkfaway to hold it together
20:29:01grimgj last pick 14 caps
20:29:10WaGsmy fault
20:31:07iv| iddqd'!teams
20:31:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ rawDawg ^0&^ pooop_face ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
20:31:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
20:32:48iv| iddqd'!teams
20:32:49Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ rawDawg ^0&^ pooop_face ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ ?
20:32:49Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ ?
20:35:54iv| iddqd'!teams
20:35:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ rawDawg ^0&^ pooop_face ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ ?
20:35:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ ?
20:36:38iv| iddqd'!teams
20:36:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ rawDawg ^0&^ pooop_face ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ ?
20:36:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ ?
20:37:21ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
20:37:24iv| iddqd'@teams
20:37:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ rawDawg ^0&^ pooop_face ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ WaGsTeR
20:37:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ ego69
20:38:19ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
20:38:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ rawDawg ^0&^ pooop_face ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ WaGsTeR
20:38:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ ego69
20:41:23WaGsjust waiting on this pizza
20:41:26WaGsalmost done