Time | Name | Global Chat | Blue Chat | Red Chat |
01:11:38 | beees | !teams | | |
01:11:38 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ `BuNNyfOOfOO ^0&^ r00kie ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ squeek | | |
01:11:38 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ rawDawg | | |
01:11:42 | `BuNNyFuCkYoU | Man, I haven't played this one in a loooong time | | |
01:11:50 | beees | you mean yesterday? | | |
01:11:52 | olof-VD | see my trick beeeees? | | |
01:11:54 | `BuNNyFuCkYoU | Naw =P | | |
01:11:56 | beees | no :( | | |
01:11:57 | beees | do it again | | |
01:12:06 | beees | oh that one | | |
01:12:09 | beees | you tricky bitch you :p | | |
01:12:16 | beees | only scout can do that? | | |
01:12:18 | olof-VD | ye | | |
01:12:21 | beees | cheats | | |
01:12:32 | beees | !teams | | |
01:12:32 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ `BuNNyfOOfOO ^0&^ r00kie ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ squeek | | |
01:12:32 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ rawDawg | | |
01:12:47 | beees | admin rawbro | | |
01:13:15 | olof-VD | !teams | | |
01:13:15 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ `BuNNyfOOfOO ^0&^ r00kie ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ squeek | | |
01:13:15 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ rawDawg | | |
01:13:18 | olof-VD | lets pick | | |
01:13:32 | beees | :( | | |
01:13:43 | beees | !teams | | |
01:13:43 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ `BuNNyfOOfOO ^0&^ r00kie ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ squeek | | |
01:13:43 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ rawDawg | | |
01:13:50 | Console | CURCUITS BOOTING IN 60 SECONDS!! | | |
01:13:58 | olof-VD | !teams | | |
01:13:58 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ `BuNNyfOOfOO ^0&^ r00kie ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ squeek | | |
01:13:58 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ rawDawg | | |
01:13:59 | beees | squeek go blue | | |
01:14:05 | beees | oh | | |
01:14:07 | beees | interesting | | |
01:14:18 | beees | delicious | | |
01:14:35 | ( | hi | | |
01:14:36 | beees | do something awesome | | |
01:14:39 | beees | plz | | |
01:14:45 | ( | me? | | |
01:14:49 | Console | CURCUITS BOOTING IN 60 SECONDS!! | | |
01:14:50 | beees | do a sick conc | | |
01:14:53 | beees | with circuits | | |
01:15:02 | squeek. | whats happening? | | |
01:15:08 | beees | he's doing a conc with circuits | | |
01:15:10 | olof-VD | need a captain | | |
01:15:22 | olof-VD | !team | | |
01:15:24 | olof-VD | !teams | | |
01:15:24 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ `BuNNyfOOfOO ^0&^ r00kie ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ squeek | | |
01:15:24 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ rawDawg | | |
01:15:25 | beees | raw blue squeek 2 picks | | |
01:15:38 | olof-VD | !teams | | |
01:15:38 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ `BuNNyfOOfOO ^0&^ r00kie ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ squeek | | |
01:15:38 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ rawDawg | | |
01:15:43 | ( | I can sub if you need | | |
01:15:47 | olof-VD | beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees | | |
01:15:48 | StiffMyWiff | hi | | |
01:15:53 | beees | wat | | |
01:15:58 | /.-at-.] idkfa | don't question him | | |
01:16:02 | /.-at-.] idkfa | he's a big boy damn it | | |
01:16:04 | squeek. | raw fda | | |
01:16:07 | /.-at-.] idkfa | if he picks you he picks you | | |
01:16:11 | olof-VD | stiffffffyyyyyyyyyy | | |
01:16:19 | squeek. | rookie | | |
01:16:19 | beees | | needascout | |
01:16:25 | olof-VD | | ima scout | |
01:16:43 | beees | | will try to get 50 again | |
01:16:56 | Console | CURCUITS BOOTING IN 60 SECONDS!! | | |
01:17:06 | olof-VD | jimmy you're blue | | |
01:17:41 | olof-VD | yo lil jim | | |
01:17:43 | olof-VD | youre blue | | |
01:17:46 | beees | stiff | | |
01:17:52 | Console | CURCUITS BOOTING IN 60 SECONDS!! | | |
01:17:56 | beees | this guy needs a punch in the face | | |
01:18:10 | StiffMyWiff | sry guys | | |
01:18:12 | StiffMyWiff | be ready when pm ends | | |
01:19:08 | beees | | bunny scout? | |
01:19:32 | ( | ^4 R00Kie .K! I seeeeeeen that! | | |
01:20:15 | olof-VD | =[ | | |
01:30:13 | StiffMyWiff | I'm Only ONE Man Baby! 90 | 100 | | |
01:30:15 | StiffMyWiff | I'm Only ONE Man Baby! 90 | 100 | | |
01:32:44 | StiffMyWiff | grim ii: dont encourage him 90 | 100 | | |
01:33:42 | StiffMyWiff | | GG | |
01:33:43 | StiffMyWiff | GG | | |
01:33:53 | squeek. | gg | | |
01:33:53 | olof-VD | ggz | | |
01:33:53 | R00Kie .K! | gg | | |
01:33:54 | beees | gg | | |
01:33:56 | olof-VD | !map ff_mortality_gz_b1 | | |
Total | | | | |