Time | Name | Global Chat | Blue Chat | Red Chat |
00:19:00 | raw | @teams | | |
00:19:00 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ Fruitcake ^0&^ Tyronee ^0&^ cruisin | | |
00:19:00 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ oats | | |
00:19:12 | raw | where's squeekers | | |
00:20:53 | cruisin | hdz and raw? | | |
00:20:57 | cruisin | or hdz and squeeK? | | |
00:21:00 | oats | hdz oj | | |
00:21:01 | oats | imo | | |
00:21:13 | cruisin | !admin | | |
00:21:13 | Console | ^Admin:^0 hadeZ | | |
00:21:22 | cruisin | who u want hadez | | |
00:21:28 | cruisin | as red capt | | |
00:21:53 | Tyrone | is hadez the VD guy? | | |
00:22:00 | cruisin | raw | | |
00:22:15 | cruisin | !teams | | |
00:22:15 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ Fruitcake ^0&^ Tyronee ^0&^ cruisin | | |
00:22:15 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ oats | | |
00:22:21 | oats | homie bro | | |
00:22:23 | oats | the choice is obv | | |
00:22:25 | cruisin | homie | | |
00:22:26 | oats | fda | | |
00:22:26 | cruisin | raw | | |
00:22:28 | oats | the choice is obv | | |
00:22:37 | Tyrone | lmao | | |
00:22:39 | cruisin | !teams | | |
00:22:39 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ Fruitcake ^0&^ Tyronee ^0&^ cruisin | | |
00:22:39 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZ ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ oats | | |
00:22:43 | cruisin | fda | | |
00:22:57 | cruisin | fruit | | |
00:23:38 | Tyrone | omg i can conc | | |
00:23:48 | FDA | omg adjust | | |
00:23:57 | olof-VD | omg patriots | | |
00:24:00 | olof-VD | too gooood | | |
00:24:21 | Tyrone | oh baby | | |
00:25:25 | squeek. | | flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ] | |
00:26:38 | squeek. | | flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room ] | |
00:29:52 | squeek. | | flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Main Ramps ] | |
00:30:06 | squeek. | | flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Foyer ] | |
00:32:59 | squeek. | | flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Main Ramps ] | |
00:33:08 | squeek. | | flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Main Ramps ] | |
00:36:51 | squeek. | 2 | 23 | | |
00:38:54 | squeek. | | flag tossed [ #FF_TEAM_RED Foyer ] | |
00:39:39 | squeek. | gg | | |
00:39:41 | Fruitcake | gg | | |
Total | | | | |