Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
14:39:01iv| iddqd '!teams
14:39:01Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Tyronee ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ l3xIcon ^0&^ ?
14:39:01Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hef` ^0&^ Niggaplease ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
14:39:07iv| iddqd 'it
14:39:14iv| iddqd 'it's in the cfg
14:39:23Satanthe map rotation shit yeah
14:39:32iv| iddqd 'what map
14:39:48iv| iddqd 'idk if it's on here
14:39:51iv| iddqd 'I dont have ftp
14:39:52Satanit's not
14:39:58f a t a ltry
14:40:01f a t a lff_derive_b1
14:40:03f a t a lnot b2
14:40:04iv| iddqd 'I don't have access
14:40:05iv| iddqd 'to add
14:40:14iv| iddqd 'not on here
14:40:18f a t a lk
14:40:37f a t a lbrb a sec
14:40:47Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Tyronee ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ l3xIcon ^0&^ ?
14:40:47Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hef` ^0&^ Niggaplease ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
14:41:15f a t a lLet's go to Moto's until pickup fills?
14:41:18f a t a li'm gonna roll
14:41:23f a t a lunless we 2v2
14:41:25f a t a la map?
14:41:29f a t a lidc teams
14:41:57Satanim down...if not I'm gonna go code lol
14:42:12f a t a lI been tryingto help you fuckers.
14:42:27f a t a lI make maps I model, etc... .lua, blah blah
14:42:29f a t a lyep
14:42:36f a t a lsqueek never responds to me.
14:42:40f a t a lhe always afk lol
14:42:48Satanlol he's gone a lot honestly
14:42:50f a t a lI'm about to release a map, too.
14:43:15f a t a lWell, I have the $$$ to make a game. Just need the team.
14:43:23SatanI'm looking into what it'll take to code a UGC portal
14:43:26f a t a lI have plenty...
14:43:29Sataninto the workshop and shit for FF
14:43:31f a t a lnice
14:43:31iv| iddqd 'pffy ugc
14:43:37SatanUser Generated Content
14:43:44f a t a lyeah...
14:43:45iv| iddqd 'k dat better
14:43:46Satanso you can upload custom shit to the workshop
14:43:48f a t a llol not the league.
14:44:02f a t a lI have a couple things on the forum.
14:44:08f a t a lI was huge on TFC Customized.
14:44:12f a t a lback in the day.
14:44:21f a t a
14:44:22SatanI was always about more custom packs and mods and shit
14:44:22f a t a llmao
14:44:30f a t a lSAME HERE BRO
14:44:39f a t a lSo, talk to him! or whatever you gotta do. lol
14:44:49f a t a li'm a very valuable resource for you kats.
14:45:08Satanfor sure man
14:46:03f a t a l^4 72 Hookers | 50 Blow
14:46:10Satanoh n1
14:46:15iv| iddqd '<squeek.> lol
14:47:04Satansneaky fuker
14:48:42iv| iddqd '!teams
14:48:42Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Tyronee ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ l3xIcon ^0&^ ?
14:48:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hef` ^0&^ Niggaplease ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
14:48:58Grease Monkeygotta go now :(
14:49:03iv| iddqd 'gg
14:50:35Satanwow that took a while to blow up
14:51:17iv| iddqd 'cutie pie f a t a l
14:52:15f a t a lfhqwhgads
14:53:09f a t a l^4 6 Hookers | 22 Blow
14:53:12iv| iddqd '!teams
14:53:12Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Tyronee ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ l3xIcon ^0&^ ?
14:53:12Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hef` ^0&^ Niggaplease ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
14:54:30iv| iddqd 'pea brain 59 :: 50
14:56:37iv| iddqd '<squeek.> excuse me
14:56:49iv| iddqd 'gg
14:56:50f a t a lgg