Time | Name | Global Chat | Blue Chat | Red Chat |
17:48:26 | FDA | !teams | | |
17:48:26 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ `BuNNy ^0&^ hef` ^0&^ Headzy | | |
17:48:26 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ cruisin ^0&^ Hoop | | |
17:48:58 | Headzy | is engy needed for this map? | | |
17:49:04 | Headzy | ok | | |
17:49:53 | anyone use desura? (besides me) | im hef | | |
17:49:57 | Headzy | Im warming to it slowly | | |
17:50:20 | Headzy | still hate the coridoors getting caught on the brushs | | |
17:51:07 | FDA | !teams | | |
17:51:07 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ `BuNNy ^0&^ hef` ^0&^ Headzy | | |
17:51:07 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ cruisin ^0&^ Hoop | | |
17:52:35 | Headzy | think chef's hand an energy drink | | |
17:52:55 | rodox | no thats just normal chef | | |
17:53:50 | oats | @teams | | |
17:53:50 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ `BuNNy ^0&^ hef` ^0&^ Headzy | | |
17:53:50 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ cruisin ^0&^ Hoop | | |
17:53:52 | oats | rodox | | |
17:53:54 | anyone use desura? (besides me) | I'm watching you oats | | |
17:54:10 | oats | @teams | | |
17:54:10 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ `BuNNy ^0&^ hef` ^0&^ Headzy | | |
17:54:10 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ cruisin ^0&^ Hoop | | |
17:54:20 | oats | hoop | | |
17:54:38 | STER_ | so do I need to leave? | | |
17:54:48 | STER_ | alright, thanks | | |
17:54:50 | oats | is that really ster?!?!?! | | |
17:54:53 | oats | AM I IN A VIDEO?! | | |
17:55:06 | oats | headzy | | |
17:55:13 | STER_ | it's just a username chill the fuck out | | |
17:55:16 | oats | teams fine | | |
17:56:14 | STER_ | good luck, everyone | | |
17:56:34 | STER_ | I've never actually played in one of these so uh | | |
17:56:41 | STER_ | idk what I'm looking at here | | |
18:01:00 | Headzy | | ramp | |
18:01:54 | anyone use desura? (besides me) | ^61 183 | | |
18:07:05 | FDA | n1 | | |
18:08:04 | iv| iddqd ' | oisahuaosiguioguw\ | | |
18:08:04 | FDA | is euros we play with brains ya 72 89 | | |
18:09:52 | iv| iddqd ' | wepoytiuwepoiyeowpyehj | | |
18:09:54 | FDA | is euros we play with brains ya 58 39 | | |
18:11:42 | iv| iddqd ' | gg | | |
18:11:43 | anyone use desura? (besides me) | noooooooo | | |
Total | | | | |