Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:30:56iv| iddqd 'this is where grim had his community avi play
00:30:59iv| iddqd 'sacred ground now
00:31:02A Moderately Sized Goose^ah yes
00:31:03A Moderately Sized Goose^cop mid
00:31:06A Moderately Sized Goose^moment of silence
00:32:02Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hir ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ g_
00:32:02Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ oats ^0&^ `BuNNy ^0&^ hadeZ
00:33:20A Moderately Sized Goose^I'd say FDA and hdz
00:33:24A Moderately Sized Goose^or hdz and homie
00:33:30oatsi say
00:33:32oatsnot oats vs
00:34:04A Moderately Sized Goose^princess, do you even canc?
00:34:04iv| iddqd 'what does everyone do when they spec?
00:34:08iv| iddqd 'I fly around in circles
00:34:10iv| iddqd 'around the map
00:34:13oatsi watch scouts
00:34:16A Moderately Sized Goose^I follow people I think are better than me
00:34:22oatsyou follow x?
00:34:24`BuNNyI see if I can go super fast through the tunnels without touching the walls
00:34:31iv| iddqd 'LOL
00:35:03squeek.of what?
00:35:09iv| iddqd 'movement speed of a sneeze
00:35:11iv| iddqd 'he said
00:35:11squeek.its a server setting
00:35:24oatspickup server uses hardcore setting
00:35:26A Moderately Sized Goose^sv_specspeed or something?
00:35:26oatsflies faster
00:35:29squeek.i think
00:35:33squeek.oh yeah
00:35:36oatsdont tell that cmd to rawdawg
00:35:39A Moderately Sized Goose^roflflflf
00:35:41squeek.i dont know what units its in though
00:35:44`BuNNyLOL Cold blooded
00:35:48A Moderately Sized Goose^TOO SOOON!
00:35:52A Moderately Sized Goose^squeek pick = ?
00:36:02squeek.fda grim
00:36:08iv| iddqd 'squeek sittin in the bath
00:36:10iv| iddqd 'just thinkin
00:36:14iv| iddqd 'thinkin about his picks
00:36:29grimOR IDC
00:36:32grimU CHOOSE
00:36:40iv| iddqd 'lol
00:36:58grimmore like laggos? know what im sayin
00:37:01iv| iddqd 'fda said largos obvious pick
00:37:06iv| iddqd 'sqk said nah fuck that kid a rebel
00:37:24iv| iddqd 'he said can we pick neither
00:37:52iv| iddqd 'I want achievement for making sqk rofl
00:37:56iv| iddqd 'make it my forum sig
00:38:11A Moderately Sized Goose^gl hf
00:38:14iv| iddqd 'hf hf
00:38:25`BuNNy90 100 You motherfucker you
00:43:13iv| iddqd '<squeek.> excuse me
00:43:14iv| iddqd 'ioyuosaujgpogjwaopg
00:43:15grimyou want some salt with that steak? 74 48
00:53:01Console^Last round's score:^0 14 ^on^0 ff_schtop
00:53:23{**A**}(L+++E){**X**}blu will win
00:53:33iv| iddqd 'lol
00:53:37iv| iddqd 'gg