Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
19:24:02rodoxADD oats is missing?
19:24:0250 shades of BOSTW|xholy shit i think i need to change my rez back this is fucking weird
19:24:20rodoxdude you really need to use your native res lol
19:24:2650 shades of BOSTW|xHOW DO I FIGURE IT
19:24:33rodoxits a widescreen lcd right?
19:24:36rodoxi mean wtf
19:24:3850 shades of BOSTW|xyeah 23 inch
19:24:40rodoxits probably 1080p
19:24:50hef1600x900 is okay but 1080 is better
19:24:5150 shades of BOSTW|xi gotta up my sensitivity now
19:25:02rodoxi use 1.7 at 1080
19:25:02`BuNNyRodox, will you blue capt please sir?
19:25:05rodoxidk your mouse tho either
19:25:10Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oreo ^0&^ BOSTWIX ^0&^ hef ^0&^ oats
19:25:10Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Twin ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ `BuNNy ^0&^ rodox
19:25:1650 shades of BOSTW|xim at 6 now
19:25:28iv| Bambiraptor' K^.I'll be lagging
19:25:3450 shades of BOSTW|x16.9 right?
19:25:45rodox1920x1080 is 16:9 yes
19:25:4850 shades of BOSTW|xk
19:25:53OreoManim shootin for o power
19:25:59OreoManso we really gotta flex on o round
19:26:12rodoxcan i have chef and bostwix
19:26:2250 shades of BOSTW|xCOBS BABY
19:26:24OreoManleaves me twin?
19:26:36heffatkid twin one day
19:26:40hefmvp twin the next
19:26:5350 shades of BOSTW|xis it a fleshlight! lul
19:27:3450 shades of BOSTW|xno i just lol never configured the shit when i installed a month ago
19:30:02twincannonINC MY POSITION [16 / 38]
19:31:16twincannonINC MY POSITION [52 / 119]
19:34:18twincannonINC MY POSITION [59 / 142]
19:35:02iv| Bambiraptor' K^.stfu
19:35:13twincannonINC MY POSITION [100 / 300]
19:36:08twincannonINC MY POSITION [60 / 143]
19:36:20twincannonINC MY POSITION [18 / 29]
19:36:39iv| Bambiraptor' K^.N O
19:36:40iv| Bambiraptor' K^.NO
19:36:40iv| Bambiraptor' K^.SOP
19:36:41iv| Bambiraptor' K^.STOP
19:36:43iv| Bambiraptor' K^.JILLING HW
19:38:03hef^6-19 0
19:38:22twincannonINC MY POSITION [13 / 11]
19:39:12twincannonINC MY POSITION [100 / 300]
19:42:48hef^60 24
19:43:30iv| Bambiraptor' K^.good lord