Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:07:07FranziskanerI dont like this map..
20:07:09Franziskanernever played it..
20:07:19mario canoliqtn sub fda while he takes his dogs out
20:07:29The Masked Potatahits a weird one
20:07:40FranziskanerIts lame
20:07:46`qtngoing out to eat
20:07:49Franziskaneronce i figure out all the trips and stuff
20:07:49The Masked Potatah90 120
20:07:56Franziskanerit might be alright
20:08:04The Masked Potatah90 120
20:08:09$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|I'm watching you cruisin
20:08:10cruisinwhat a BIG BLOCK - FEEL OJ POWER - BIG MAC
20:09:15$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|biglongflaccidwillywinkdinkyslinkypinkdingdongthhewitchisdeadpenishead 1 0
20:09:36Console^Last round's score:^0 6 ^on^0 ff_bleepbloop_b3
20:11:44The Masked Potatah5
20:14:18The Masked Potatah^5HEALTH ALERT ^219 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^219 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^219 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^219 33 ^5HEALTH ALERT
20:14:30The Masked Potatah80 105
20:14:42$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|^6:: ^5tossed^4 45 ^6::
20:16:04$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|honey badger dont care
20:16:13$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|cruisin is the honey badger
20:16:20mario canoliI grabbed that with my ear
20:16:21mario canoli:/
20:17:15$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|You've reached the midway point of round 2.
20:18:16$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|honey badger dont care
20:19:32$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|The game has been tied.
20:20:13$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|I'm watching you Franziskaner
20:20:48$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|why 130 ping
20:21:01Satannetflix in other rooom :(
20:21:14$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|lol fuck dat
20:21:19mario canolilol
20:21:19$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$|install ddwrt on ur router
20:21:44The Masked Potatah52 65
20:21:45mario canoliflow poison like iv| 75 :: 50
20:21:47The Masked Potatah<@squeek> im just a furious person 52 65
20:22:02mario canoliauto op confirmed
20:22:42mario canoliwhat a juke
20:23:04The Masked Potatah^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^21 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT
20:24:29The Masked Potatah70 105
20:24:30The Masked Potatahdie
20:24:37mario canolirude
20:24:45mario canoligg