Time | Name | Global Chat | Blue Chat | Red Chat |
19:21:09 | beees | hm wow | | |
19:21:14 | beees | in/out is fine now | | |
19:21:18 | rodox | server sucks | | |
19:21:18 | beees | it was garbage on fiddle | | |
19:21:22 | beees | wtf | | |
19:21:28 | rodox | only getting 64 in right now | | |
19:21:32 | Satan | it's a syntax error in the .lua | | |
19:21:33 | moonz | same | | |
19:21:35 | beees | that ok | | |
19:21:36 | [PMS]Blinky | 100/60 | | |
19:21:39 | Satan | the in/out thing just means the .lua isn't loading | | |
19:21:40 | beees | last map I was getting drops to 50 | | |
19:21:40 | moonz | all servers been weird | | |
19:21:43 | [PMS]Blinky | up to 120 in sometimes | | |
19:21:48 | FDA | yeah fiddle lua broked | | |
19:21:49 | rodox | nah satan | | |
19:21:49 | Satan | it's what happens anytime you bork something | | |
19:21:51 | rodox | were talking about somethign else | | |
19:21:52 | cruisin | im here | | |
19:21:55 | moonz | oj subbing me | | |
19:21:56 | [PMS]Blinky | listmaps | | |
19:21:57 | rodox | not the map | | |
19:21:57 | [PMS]Blinky | maplist | | |
19:21:59 | beees | lua worked last version | | |
19:22:05 | moonz | !admin | | |
19:22:05 | Console | ^Admin:^0 oats | | |
19:22:06 | cruisin | im subbing big mnz | | |
19:22:10 | beees | dunno why it wasn't tested before rls | | |
19:22:13 | beees | anyway | | |
19:22:14 | beees | cpts? | | |
19:22:18 | beees | !teams | | |
19:22:18 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ moonz_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ DrSatan | | |
19:22:18 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ Raynian ^0&^ David- ^0&^ AfterShokk | | |
19:22:23 | beees | rodox neon? | | |
19:22:24 | FDA | beees there's a syntax error in the lua, always has been, it shouldn't have worked in old ff but it did just cuz | | |
19:22:25 | rodox | does server need a restart or something | | |
19:22:32 | beees | ah I see | | |
19:22:48 | beees | rodox can you go blue please | | |
19:22:49 | FDA | just | | |
19:22:50 | beees | david spec | | |
19:22:53 | cruisin | !teams | | |
19:22:53 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ moonz_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ DrSatan | | |
19:22:53 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ Raynian ^0&^ David- ^0&^ AfterShokk | | |
19:22:54 | rodox | plz i wanna red | | |
19:22:54 | beees | before I kick | | |
19:22:54 | FDA | stop setting fps max to 66 | | |
19:22:57 | rodox | i hate blue | | |
19:22:57 | FDA | set it to 68 | | |
19:23:04 | Voss-RS | go red then | | |
19:23:05 | cruisin | i didnt do it | | |
19:23:09 | cruisin | i havent touched it since update | | |
19:23:09 | beees | 68 now | | |
19:23:11 | Voss-RS | !teams | | |
19:23:11 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ moonz_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ DrSatan | | |
19:23:11 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ Raynian ^0&^ David- ^0&^ AfterShokk | | |
19:23:17 | Voss-RS | oj | | |
19:23:17 | cruisin | lol wasnt me this time fda | | |
19:23:19 | cruisin | lol | | |
19:23:19 | beees | it was going crazy earlier so I had to set it | | |
19:23:22 | FDA | i know | | |
19:23:27 | Voss-RS | o | | |
19:23:28 | Voss-RS | j | | |
19:23:28 | rodox | !teams | | |
19:23:28 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ moonz_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ DrSatan | | |
19:23:28 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ Raynian ^0&^ David- ^0&^ AfterShokk | | |
19:23:41 | AfterShock | fda ur mic broke | | |
19:23:44 | FDA | k | | |
19:23:45 | rodox | moonz beees | | |
19:23:48 | moonz | not in | | |
19:23:49 | Voss-RS | oj in for mnz | | |
19:23:52 | rodox | o | | |
19:23:52 | Voss-RS | | ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^290 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT | |
19:23:54 | beees | !teams | | |
19:23:54 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ moonz_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ DrSatan | | |
19:23:54 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ Raynian ^0&^ David- ^0&^ AfterShokk | | |
19:23:57 | rodox | bees raynian | | |
19:24:02 | beees | getting mic 1sec | | |
19:24:13 | Voss-RS | uh | | |
19:24:22 | Voss-RS | david | | |
19:24:24 | David- | lol | | |
19:24:27 | Voss-RS | rofl | | |
19:24:28 | David- | had to think about that one | | |
19:24:35 | rodox | satan | | |
19:25:14 | Voss-RS | shok pls | | |
19:25:21 | AfterShock | voss pls | | |
19:25:26 | Voss-RS | blu | | |
19:25:27 | Voss-RS | E | | |
19:25:30 | cruisin | trade so no buttrape? | | |
19:25:31 | cruisin | orrr | | |
19:25:33 | cruisin | ok | | |
19:25:34 | beees | | | sure |
19:25:35 | cruisin | buttrape then | | |
19:25:44 | beees | | | actually |
19:25:47 | cruisin | !teams | | |
19:25:47 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ moonz_ ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ DrSatan | | |
19:25:47 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ Raynian ^0&^ David- ^0&^ AfterShokk | | |
19:25:47 | beees | | | would you wanna hw? |
19:25:49 | cruisin | !admin | | |
19:25:49 | Console | ^Admin:^0 oats | | |
19:26:21 | AfterShock | | do we have a good demo | |
19:26:24 | beees | rdy? | | |
19:26:27 | Voss-RS | yes | | |
19:26:29 | AfterShock | | thats what decides if we win | |
19:26:30 | beees | glhf | | |
19:27:08 | rodox | rs | | |
19:27:11 | rodox | ray is afk | | |
19:27:20 | Voss-RS | ok David- | | |
19:27:36 | Voss-RS | nice interp | | |
19:27:41 | AfterShock | does that mean we win | | |
19:27:42 | beees | magical interp | | |
19:27:58 | Voss-RS | zzz | | |
19:28:00 | beees | oats sub? | | |
19:28:01 | rodox | IDK | | |
19:28:02 | rodox | lol | | |
19:28:05 | AfterShock | strummin my pain with his fingers | | |
19:28:11 | beees | or grandpa pugs | | |
19:28:12 | AfterShock | singin my life with his words | | |
19:28:16 | beees | can you subh for the engi | | |
19:28:23 | beees | lemme get a sub | | |
19:28:28 | cruisin | another 30 plpz so i can smoke now | | |
19:28:32 | cruisin | just let u know | | |
19:28:35 | Voss-RS | | ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2108 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2108 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2108 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2108 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT | |
19:28:36 | Voss-RS | | ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2113 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2113 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2113 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2113 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT | |
19:28:38 | Voss-RS | | ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2126 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2126 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2126 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2126 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT | |
19:28:39 | oats | try to find 1 pls | | |
19:28:40 | oats | im eatin | | |
19:28:45 | beees | fda coming | | |
19:28:46 | Voss-RS | | ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2135 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2135 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2135 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^2135 100 ^5HEALTH ALERT | |
19:29:04 | [PMS]Blinky | oh fuck | | |
19:29:09 | beees | raynian wat | | |
19:29:10 | [PMS]Blinky | fuck I'm sorry | | |
19:29:11 | Satan | well hello | | |
19:29:13 | beees | lol | | |
19:29:15 | beees | just as fda comes | | |
19:29:15 | Voss-RS | ROFL | | |
19:29:17 | Voss-RS | ban | | |
19:29:19 | [PMS]Blinky | had to AFK for a minute | | |
19:29:22 | beees | sorry fda | | |
19:29:27 | FDA | all good | | |
19:29:32 | [PMS]Blinky | if you want to sub you can | | |
19:29:39 | FDA | nah go for it | | |
19:30:11 | Voss-RS | ok David- | | |
19:30:12 | oats | lol cruisin | | |
19:30:59 | oats | | | |
19:31:02 | oats | | | |
19:31:25 | oats | | | |
19:31:32 | WhenFFwillOut | | | |
19:31:40 | oats | | | |
19:31:44 | oats | | | |
19:31:49 | oats | | | |
19:32:13 | Voss-RS | ok Raynian | | |
19:33:17 | Voss-RS | ok beees | | |
19:35:08 | oats | | | |
19:35:09 | oats | | | |
19:36:11 | Voss-RS | ok rodox | | |
19:36:43 | rodox | rofl | | |
19:37:41 | Voss-RS | ok beees | | |
19:39:23 | Voss-RS | ok beees | | |
19:39:52 | spoonlolol | brb doing everything | | |
19:39:54 | Voss-RS | ok Raynian | | |
19:40:41 | oats | ew voss | | |
19:40:42 | Voss-RS | ok David- | | |
19:40:44 | spoonlolol | NOT ON MY WATCH 1 0 | | |
19:40:45 | oats | 2mph jpad conc | | |
19:40:52 | Voss-RS | the height | | |
19:40:59 | oats | regular conc do ya better :/ | | |
19:41:08 | oats | :/ | | |
19:41:09 | Voss-RS | ok David- | | |
19:41:11 | spoonlolol | FELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 1 0 | | |
19:41:48 | spoonlolol | !score | | |
19:41:48 | Console | ^Last round's score:^0 11 ^on^0 ff_shutdown2 | | |
19:41:53 | spoonlolol | lololollolololololol | | |
19:41:55 | oats | yeah lol | | |
19:41:58 | oats | lets forget about that one | | |
19:42:07 | oats | | | |
19:42:08 | oats | | | |
19:42:09 | spoonlolol | was ramp soldier helen keller? | | |
19:42:13 | oats | | | |
19:42:16 | oats | | | |
19:42:51 | oats | | | |
19:42:52 | oats | | | |
19:42:57 | oats | | | |
19:43:00 | oats | | | |
19:43:04 | oats | | | |
19:43:05 | oats | | | |
19:43:07 | oats | | | |
19:43:09 | oats | | | |
19:43:12 | oats | | | |
19:43:15 | oats | | | |
19:43:24 | spoonlolol | FELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 1 0 | | |
19:43:26 | Voss-RS | sounds gay. saranghae 90 100 | | |
19:43:30 | cruisin | azn penis flag | | |
19:43:35 | spoonlolol | ya lol | | |
19:43:45 | Voss-RS | ok Raynian | | |
19:43:56 | Voss-RS | ok beees | | |
19:44:00 | spoonlolol | demos pipes are like nuclear warfare | | |
19:44:13 | David- | gg | | |
19:44:17 | AfterShock | GG | | |
19:44:20 | beees | gg | | |
19:44:20 | Satan | GG | | |
19:44:22 | [PMS]Blinky | GG | | |
19:44:22 | rodox | gg | | |
Total | | | | |