Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:17:44FDAit's all good, i didn't mean to be a dick either
21:17:56FDAwas just a mirv there and i dun wanna blowd up
21:18:02oatsits bad
21:18:12FDAprobly bad for this patch
21:18:14oatsim bad
21:18:17oatsi started lagging
21:18:19oatsi wasnt getting full fps
21:18:23oatsand missed every det
21:18:25oats+ tks up the ass
21:18:27Features-who is G
21:18:28Features-in tfc
21:18:29oatsi was doing great at the start
21:18:31FDAlast 5 minutes i had like 130 ping
21:18:34Features-oh ok
21:18:39FDAstill high
21:20:25mylantaspoon still playing this?
21:20:25Voss-RS^5HEALTH ALERT ^224 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^224 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^224 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^224 0 ^5HEALTH ALERT
21:20:36mylantathat shitty hasnt died yet>
21:20:43oatson cap
21:20:45oatshe rarely plays
21:20:46oatsdont worry
21:20:49Voss-RShi mental
21:20:54mylantahe was suppose to die in a tragic fire
21:21:01mylantathat i started
21:21:06mylantadamnit wrong house
21:21:39mylantahi voss
21:21:40Voss-RSok oats
21:21:43Voss-RSits neon
21:22:05Voss-RS^5HEALTH ALERT ^276 58 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^276 58 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^276 58 ^5HEALTH ALERT ^276 58 ^5HEALTH ALERT
21:23:50mylantatoo bad no one opted to create new maps in the 7 years this game was dead :/
21:23:57oatsyeah ur right
21:24:57Voss-RSok oats
21:24:58Voss-RSok oats
21:24:59Voss-RSok oats
21:25:00Voss-RSok oats
21:25:16iv| iddqd'cutie pie Voss-RS
21:25:16Features-pea brainz 39 46
21:25:17iv| iddqd'pea brain 1 :: 0
21:25:20FDAfuck u
21:25:21FDASqueek: that's what you get -40 0
21:25:22FDAis euros we play with brains ya -40 0
21:25:27iv| iddqd'cap while you can baddies 1 :: 0
21:25:53iv| iddqd'cutie pie FDA
21:26:16mylantaoh i rmemeber qtpie wasnt she someones ugly sister?
21:26:19Voss-RSok oats
21:26:35iv| iddqd'everyone is someone's sister
21:27:36iv| iddqd'<squeek.> sorry
21:27:38Voss-RS<@squeek> im just a furious person 100 200
21:28:14Features-pea brainz 90 120
21:28:17iv| iddqd'my flow poison like iv| 1 :: 0
21:28:22Voss-RSpea brain 50 4
21:28:28mylanta1 | 0
21:28:28FDAstop dosing me fgts
21:28:29mylanta1 | 0
21:28:30mylanta1 | 0
21:28:31iv| iddqd'rofl
21:28:38iv| iddqd'the gays are ddosing all of indiana
21:28:42mylantaawww lost my binds
21:28:42iv| iddqd'protest
21:28:48FDAis euros we play with brains ya 74 66
21:29:11mylantafda, cant remember if i like you or not, your a mod guess ill have to for the time being]]\
21:29:19Voss-RSok oats
21:29:22oatsthe answer is no
21:29:23oatsyou dont
21:29:32iv| iddqd'fda is cool
21:29:35mylantaprolly not, i think he was an ass to me near the end
21:29:35iv| iddqd'you should like him
21:29:37FDAidk who you are
21:29:46mylantaworst nightmare over
21:29:51mylantanuff said
21:30:35mylantaim that person who doesnt really like anyone who talks or brags
21:30:45Voss-RSok beees
21:30:47iv| iddqd'you dont like people who talks
21:30:49iv| iddqd'thats cool
21:30:52iv| iddqd'tell us more
21:31:00mylantadont like you shhhh
21:31:05iv| iddqd'wise decision
21:31:06FDAi don't talks or brags
21:31:09FDAso we good
21:31:13Voss-RSok oats
21:31:21mylantayour talking now, theres a game goiing on
21:31:25mylantaget your head in the game
21:31:39iv| iddqd'he's an audience friendly admin
21:31:43iv| iddqd'just proving that to you
21:31:43mylantaless fingers more fingers
21:32:17mylantayou guys been playing these pickups for a while?
21:32:22mylantacough lol
21:32:26iv| iddqd'at least for 15min
21:32:30mylantano no
21:32:39oatsnah we all quit when u quit man
21:32:41oatsmissed u too much
21:32:43oatscame back the other day
21:32:45mylantalike the past how every many years i been adsent
21:32:52iv| iddqd'what oats said
21:32:53mylantabah fuck off
21:32:55oatsi dunno a couple 4v4 leagues
21:33:05mylantayeah saw that
21:33:16mylantaUGC Champs
21:33:31mylantawas like omg call a sponsor
21:33:37iv| iddqd'there's a ugc champ in here with us today
21:33:42oatsok g
21:33:44mylantagg he wins
21:33:58mylantavoss is trying too hard