Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:16:52Lumpychanguess so
22:16:54Za Warudad
22:17:07Za Warudad
22:28:56oatsyo rookie
22:28:58oatsdo u play 07 nigga?
22:28:58{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiesup
22:29:06{ FF.Teacher } R00Kie07?
22:29:08{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieno
22:29:10oatsdamn moto lied to me
22:29:14{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiewhats 07?
22:29:21{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieoh
22:29:24{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieya i played runescape
22:29:26{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiein like
22:29:27oatsyeah but not
22:29:30oatsold school runescape
22:29:31{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiea long time ago
22:29:34oatswe all did
22:29:36oatstheres a new one
22:29:40oatsthats a remake of da servers in 2007
22:29:50{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieya i havent played in a long time
22:29:51oatsbefore the new shit ruined it
22:29:55oatslol bro
22:29:56{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiei had a few party hats and shit
22:29:57oatsim maxed :/
22:30:00oats300m bank
22:30:01oatsmy bank
22:30:03oatsis worth 1500$ irl
22:30:07oatsand im poor as fuck irl
22:30:09oatsaught to sell it lol
22:30:09{ FF.Teacher } R00Kielol ya
22:30:16oats99 slayer
22:30:17{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiewish i just sold my rs stuff to some kids
22:30:19oatsmade me too much bank
22:30:25{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieforgot my password now
22:30:32{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiei havent logged in
22:30:35{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiemaybe 10 yeas
22:30:39oatsu probably got nothing anyways
22:30:41oatscause like
22:30:43oatsin the current game
22:30:45oatsmoneys worthless
22:30:50oatsits 25 cents for 10 million gold
22:30:59{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieyeah but i heard those party hats
22:31:00{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieand masks
22:31:03{ FF.Teacher } R00Kieyou could sell
22:31:05oatsmasks arent worth alot
22:31:06oatsphats are
22:31:08oats2 bil gp each
22:31:10oatsabout 300$
22:31:17FDAphat 2 rare
22:31:19FDAbig money
22:31:28oatsid rather have my ely spirit shield
22:31:32oatsthan a shitty paper hat
22:31:37{ FF.Teacher } R00Kielol
22:31:43oats600m old school for a fucking shield dude
22:31:45oatsthats 3000$
22:31:46squeek.40 SoJs for white gloves
22:32:01iv| iddqd'<squeek.> lol
22:32:05oatsill trade you this rare charcoal
22:32:07oatsonly 200k gp
22:32:08{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiegot a full stash of sojs
22:32:19squeek.need occy ring
22:32:25oatslol wtf game is this
22:32:29{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiediablo
22:32:36{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiediablo is godly
22:32:37oatsyou need
22:32:39squeek.the hacked item glory days
22:32:39oatsamulet of fury
22:32:41ninei thought thats what you meant by soj too
22:32:45iv| iddqd'boba fett trainer
22:32:47iv| iddqd'pls
22:33:07oatsyo squeek there was this one run i was doing, i was like
22:33:08{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiei used to sell diablo items at a local lan shop
22:33:09oatshold spacebar
22:33:12oatsholding it down
22:33:13{ FF.Teacher } R00Kiebefore online selling was big
22:33:15oatsand like i was hopping at the flag
22:33:19oatsand i just let my conc go off
22:33:21oatsdidnt even time it
22:33:23oatsand i went right over the flag
22:33:25oatscan you fix it please?
22:33:52oatsi had liek 40 fps
22:33:54oatsfixed it tho i think
22:33:54iv| iddqd'!admin
22:33:54Console^Admin:^0 oats_
22:33:59oatswhat map
22:34:13oatsor b9?
22:34:16FDAb11 says 13
22:34:20FDA13 not on server
22:34:24iv| iddqd'13 has hole
22:34:25iv| iddqd'need hole
22:34:27oats13 not on
22:34:28FDA2lazy 2upload
22:34:35FDAdo b11
22:34:35iv| iddqd'gg
22:34:36oatsi will go down
22:34:39oatsuntil most recent version