Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:28:12foxahha <3
22:28:18Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok K^. oats
22:28:27Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok K^. oats
22:28:28{ FF.TEACHER } FruitcakeLOL
22:28:28K^. oatsno haering
22:28:28Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok K^. oats
22:28:33{ FF.TEACHER } FruitcakeLOL
22:28:34K^. oatsme and fox
22:28:35K^. oatsonly
22:28:35{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeoats too stronk
22:28:36Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+no h8rade ples
22:28:36K^. oatsNERDS
22:28:37{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakesaveme
22:28:38{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakesaveme
22:28:52K^. oats@teams
22:28:53Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ fa_al ^0&^ CLUB-David- ^0&^ adverse
22:28:53Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ dank
22:29:02CLUB-David-oats is pretending to be more drunk now
22:29:09rodoxOKAY BUDDY
22:29:14Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+
22:29:14Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+
22:29:15Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+
22:29:18K^. oats@teams
22:29:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ fa_al ^0&^ CLUB-David- ^0&^ adverse
22:29:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ dank
22:29:19rodoxill red capt thx
22:29:41rodoxokay pal
22:29:43Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok { FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake
22:29:57rodoxwe are bffs
22:30:17Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok { FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake
22:30:17Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok { FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake
22:30:22{ FF.TEACHER } FruitcakeOK
22:30:24Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+Mirrors *hair flip* 1 0
22:30:26Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+<FDA> eat your pubes and jump of a cliff 1 0
22:30:35Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+sounds gay. saranghae 1 0
22:30:36Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+pea brain 1 0
22:30:36Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+<@squeek> im just a furious person 1 0
22:30:37Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+Feed into the miracle, don't be fuckin cynical 1 0
22:30:38Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+<FDA> eat your pubes and jump of a cliff 1 0
22:30:39Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+Two in the twiddle 1 0
22:30:39Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+Mirrors *hair flip* 1 0
22:30:41Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+That's rodoxulous 1 0
22:30:42Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+Fortress Forever now officially sponsored by and
22:30:42Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+saranghaeyooooooooooooooooooooooooo
22:30:43Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+Guys I need 2 jump pads or we're going to lose 1 0
22:30:44Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+Canoli to the face, baby! 1 0
22:30:45Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+we r eggcelent 1 0
22:30:46Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
22:30:49Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok hamp-OD-BSU
22:30:53Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ fa_al ^0&^ CLUB-David- ^0&^ adverse
22:30:53Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ dank
22:31:12Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok hamp-OD-BSU
22:31:23Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+sad hamp drop conc
22:31:37Console^Admin:^0 oats
22:31:42Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ROFL
22:31:52Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+game is done
22:31:53Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+rip pickup
22:32:02Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+!teams
22:32:03Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ fa_al ^0&^ CLUB-David- ^0&^ adverse
22:32:03Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ dank
22:32:27Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+!teams
22:32:27Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ fa_al ^0&^ CLUB-David- ^0&^ adverse
22:32:27Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ dank
22:32:35Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+stank pls
22:32:55rodoxdank fox
22:32:57Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+w0w
22:33:06Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+i picked dank
22:33:17rodoxoats then
22:33:21Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+!teams
22:33:22Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ fa_al ^0&^ CLUB-David- ^0&^ adverse
22:33:22Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ rodox ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ dank
22:33:22dankfkn rococks
22:33:24Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+chumpster
22:33:33dankisnt that what jol would call you?
22:33:48Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+assul
22:33:56Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+adverse
22:33:56rodoxwhere are u playing oats
22:34:40K^. oatsrodxo i can ba;k way
22:34:45rodoxk im hw
22:34:46K^. oatsgive me
22:34:48K^. oats1 muinute pls
22:34:50K^. oatsgotta go
22:34:51foxlol rodox
22:34:52K^. oatspee
22:34:54{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakedont leave meeeeeeee
22:35:02{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeim all alone now
22:35:04{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakef u
22:35:23{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeadverse confused how glass works
22:35:26Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+rofl.
22:35:45{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakesame expression as my cat when I chuck it at the window
22:35:47{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakewat was dat
22:36:14foxoat afk
22:36:16Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok dank
22:36:22{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeoats afk pro
22:36:24{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakepro oats
22:36:27{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakepro strat
22:36:31{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakebuys D 40 more secs
22:36:33{ FF.TEACHER } FruitcakeMvP
22:36:56{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakehe still gone
22:36:58rodoxgod damn
22:37:00rodoxi regret adding
22:37:02rodoxi wanna go to bed
22:37:03Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ROFL
22:37:35Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+]NM[-
22:41:36z3r0oats playin' like he drunk.
22:41:40{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake
22:47:39OreoManwats good my nigga
22:47:41Yung Walt Disney-RS +M|M+ok adverse
22:47:51K^. oatsoreo i love youa
22:47:56OreoManwhy u no play when i play
22:47:58OreoManda fuck
22:48:07OreoMantalkin to u rodox