Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:48:05K^. oatsim sure uve both played this map
23:48:10K^. oatsi swear ive seen hampster speccing this
23:48:10DrSatangreen mushy
23:48:26DrSatancan tell by the sec time in teh icon lol
23:48:33K^. oatsnah its easy
23:48:37DrSatantrademark Mushy shit right there
23:48:41K^. oatsdank spec
23:48:42K^. oatslook
23:48:45K^. oatsill explain ez
23:48:47K^. oatsso u come in main
23:48:49K^. oatsfront door
23:48:55K^. oatsyou can slide this shiot
23:49:00K^. oatseitehr
23:49:02K^. oatsgo button
23:49:07K^. oatssolly plays here
23:49:13K^. oatsto flagroom
23:49:14K^. oatsor
23:49:18K^. oatsgo spiral
23:49:27K^. oatsheavy plays here
23:49:36dankhm ok
23:49:41K^. oatstheres alos
23:49:44K^. oatslaser way
23:49:47K^. oatsbut look
23:49:49K^. oatseven if security is up
23:49:58K^. oatsye
23:49:59K^. oatsyou can climb
23:50:07K^. oatshp bag for demo
23:50:21K^. oatsand dank
23:50:22K^. oatslook
23:50:26K^. oatsu go in water
23:50:44dankman this is confusing as fuck
23:50:48( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 ROFL
23:51:08K^. oats1 entrance to base
23:51:16DrSatan3 to fr
23:51:24K^. oatsone
23:51:26K^. oatstwop
23:51:28K^. oatsthree
23:51:40Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*!rs
23:51:41K^. oatsno
23:51:44K^. oatstheres this ladder
23:51:48K^. oatsor
23:51:50K^. oatsladder at button
23:52:03K^. oats2 ladders
23:52:44K^. oatsok so
23:52:45K^. oats@teams
23:52:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ woooj ^0&^ Shockwave- ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ DrSatan
23:52:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dank ^0&^ oats ^0&^ Rocky ^0&^ _-7
23:52:48K^. oatsfik
23:52:54Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*@ban K^. oats
23:52:54K^. oatsthis pool lol
23:52:56Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*ROFL
23:53:01K^. oatshamp vs dank
23:53:02K^. oats!!!
23:53:04K^. oatslol
23:53:05Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*no
23:53:06( + ) f a t a l .t5-serious
23:53:08K^. oatsi dunno anyone either
23:53:09( + ) f a t a l .t5-why not?
23:53:10K^. oats@teams
23:53:10Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ woooj ^0&^ Shockwave- ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ DrSatan
23:53:10Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dank ^0&^ oats ^0&^ Rocky ^0&^ _-7
23:53:11DrSatanyou v 7
23:53:11K^. oatshm
23:53:15K^. oatsirc teams?
23:53:23Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*no
23:53:24DrSatanno lol
23:53:25{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake!teams
23:53:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ woooj ^0&^ Shockwave- ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ DrSatan
23:53:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dank ^0&^ oats ^0&^ Rocky ^0&^ _-7
23:53:37( + ) f a t a l .t5-fatal
23:53:40{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake!teams
23:53:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ woooj ^0&^ Shockwave- ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ DrSatan
23:53:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dank ^0&^ oats ^0&^ Rocky ^0&^ _-7
23:53:42K^. oatsok
23:53:43K^. oatsdrsatan
23:53:44K^. oatsvs fatal
23:53:51( + ) f a t a l .t5-LOL
23:53:56K^. oatsyeah i didnt know who rocky was either
23:53:58( + ) f a t a l .t5-omg
23:53:59K^. oatsgo capt
23:54:01K^. oatsfatal dr stan
23:54:06K^. oatsyou can rps for first pick or w/e
23:54:07K^. oatsGIVASHIT
23:54:14( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
23:54:16K^. oatsSATAN PLS
23:54:16Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*zzz
23:54:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ woooj ^0&^ Shockwave- ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ DrSatan
23:54:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dank ^0&^ oats ^0&^ Rocky ^0&^ _-7
23:54:53DrSatanblue first ye?
23:54:56K^. oatssure
23:55:17( + ) f a t a l .t5-7 and fruity
23:55:21( + ) f a t a l .t5-!teams
23:55:21Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ woooj ^0&^ Shockwave- ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ DrSatan
23:55:21Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dank ^0&^ oats ^0&^ Rocky ^0&^ _-7
23:55:22( + ) f a t a l .t5-oh
23:55:33( + ) f a t a l .t5-7 and wooj?
23:55:38K^. oatsget dank
23:55:44{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakelol why didnt he grab dank
23:55:48K^. oatsfatal take hampy
23:55:54( + ) f a t a l .t5-k
23:55:56Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*dank is better than me
23:56:15( + ) f a t a l .t5-!teams
23:56:15Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ woooj ^0&^ Shockwave- ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ DrSatan
23:56:15Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ dank ^0&^ oats ^0&^ Rocky ^0&^ _-7
23:56:15K^. oatsdank shockwave blue
23:56:19K^. oatshampster red
23:56:35( + ) f a t a l .t5-k
23:56:37( + ) f a t a l .t5-k one sec plz
23:56:43K^. oatsya tell me when ur rdy
23:56:47K^. oatslol fruitcake wtf
23:56:51K^. oatsuve been playing for like 6 months?
23:56:53K^. oatshow
23:56:55K^. oatsno
23:57:01( + ) f a t a l .t5-scouts plz go for a second
23:57:13{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakenot attackin
23:57:30{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeextend?
23:57:46K^. oatsdank if you conc from lower you can scoop flag
23:57:48K^. oatsand slide out button
23:57:54K^. oatsstandard conc on this map
23:57:58K^. oatsif you toss it onto the ledge
23:58:01K^. oatsits also a nice scoop
23:58:21K^. oatsthe key is rampsliding front door though
23:58:24K^. oatsthats how you go fast
23:58:30K^. oatsrdy?
23:58:32( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
23:58:34( + ) f a t a l .t5-ready
23:58:36( + ) f a t a l .t5-give me 10
23:58:37( + ) f a t a l .t5-plz
23:58:56( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
23:59:36( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:00:03( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:01:12WaGsTeR-BS-puwhat NiGGa....
00:01:18{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake
00:01:32WaGsTeR-BS-puSuuuuuuuuuuuuuP.... Just GoT WaGGleD?!?!?!?!?
00:01:48( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:01:59{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake
00:02:52( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:03:40( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:04:22( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:04:37( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:04:38( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 ROFL
00:04:48WaGsTeR-BS-puBIG HAMP
00:04:51( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:06:05K^. oatshw
00:06:36DrSatanflag tossed [75][50] at {}
00:07:07( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:07:24{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakedrop conc it baby
00:07:30( + ) f a t a l .t5-no balls
00:07:34WaGsTeR-BS-pusomeone elite do it plz
00:08:05{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakenice toss
00:08:20WaGsTeR-BS-pukeep the gun in the water
00:08:34{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeyes listen to guru wags
00:08:40K^. oatshw
00:08:45( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:08:50WaGsTeR-BS-pudo not ask what you're not ready to be answered my son
00:09:30( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:10:06( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:10:27( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:11:30{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake
00:11:54( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
00:12:07Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*lol 4 in fr
00:13:30( + ) f a t a l .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded