Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
03:42:29Console^5s^9H^5o^9C^5k^9e^5R ^5[^3H^5]:^4%h ^5[^3A^5]:^2%a ^[^%l]
03:42:39( + ) L e g a c y .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
03:42:41airTrek bearingseuropean machine
03:42:43airTrek bearingsswiss grade
03:42:47tmhsorry i sucked
03:42:55{ FF. Sensei } : e0 : MoyaNah it looks like you can hit the gun from 10 feet away
03:43:02( + ) L e g a c y .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
03:43:41{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakelag again
03:43:42{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeugh
03:43:49{ FF. Sensei } : e0 : Moyaneed to talk to server owner
03:43:55{ FF. Sensei } : e0 : Moyahadez knows what s going on as well
03:44:02{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcake?
03:44:08{ FF.TEACHER } FruitcakeI think its me
03:44:10{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakenot the server
03:44:11airTrek bearingsfruitcake want to mix it up and go spy?
03:44:13{ FF. Sensei } : e0 : MoyaYou only get it in this server
03:44:18{ FF. Sensei } : e0 : Moyayou were fine at snatches
03:44:20{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakesure
03:44:23foxfatal u hw?
03:44:24airTrek bearingsi'll kill soldier
03:44:28tmhspy is too slow
03:44:33( + ) L e g a c y .t5-[Demoman.cfg] - Loaded
03:44:34{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakejust build me a jpad plx
03:44:35airTrek bearingsyou haven't seen moone play spy
03:44:54airTrek bearingsgo switch
03:45:21airTrek bearingsNICE
03:45:45foxfatal hw
03:46:03tmhI like { FF. Sensei } : e0 : Moya
03:46:15airTrek bearingsif you see drsatan go down then go switch
03:46:19airTrek bearingsfruit
03:46:21tmhI like { FF. Sensei } : e0 : Moya
03:46:23{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakefuckin lag
03:46:27tmhafk hw?
03:46:50airTrek bearingsours is lagging as well
03:47:02airTrek bearingshehe i mean you though
03:47:06airTrek bearingstry restarting>?
03:47:16tmhget sg
03:48:46airTrek bearingspoor fruit :>
03:48:47airTrek bearings:<*
03:49:03airTrek bearingsshows 700 on the scoreboard rofl
03:49:55airTrek bearingsgj
03:51:51{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakefuck off server
03:52:25airTrek bearingsdetpack in foy
03:54:03airTrek bearingsgj
03:54:37airTrek bearingsgj
03:55:39airTrek bearingsdont kill the sfg
03:55:40airTrek bearingssg
03:55:41airTrek bearingsconc past it
03:57:01airTrek bearings!score
03:57:02Console^Last round's score:^0 8 ^on^0 ff_destroy
03:57:26airTrek bearingstoss it
03:57:59airTrek bearingsdetpackl
03:58:11airTrek bearings5 secs
03:58:12airTrek bearingsget ready
03:58:20airTrek bearingsROFL
03:58:22airTrek bearingsTEAM POWER
03:58:25airTrek bearingsTEAM FORTRESS
03:58:35{ FF. Sensei } : e0 : Moyanice pub move brah
03:58:35airTrek bearingsgg
03:58:38airTrek bearings^5s^9H^5o^9C^5k^9e^5R ^5[^3H^5]:^48 ^5[^3A^5]:^224 ^[^Outside]
03:58:40airTrek bearingsget laid 8 | 24
03:58:41{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakeits legit
03:58:54airTrek bearingsfruitcake rampage
03:58:58( + ) L e g a c y .t5-gg
03:59:01airTrek bearingsgg
03:59:16{ FF.TEACHER } Fruitcakegg
03:59:16tmhI like fox
03:59:18airTrek bearings^5s^9H^5o^9C^5k^9e^5R ^5[^3H^5]:^467 ^5[^3A^5]:^257 ^[^#FF_TEAM_RED Foyer]