Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:08:06( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room]
00:08:31Console^Last round's score:^0 11 ^on^0 ff_destroy
00:09:26( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room]
00:09:43dankc2cp hamp
00:10:28Console^Last round's score:^0 11 ^on^0 ff_destroy
00:10:42( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room]
00:10:44dankthese guys stackin?
00:11:13Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*guy picked wuj and i as first two picks
00:11:14Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*LOLZ
00:11:31wooojhamp was hw. nuff said lol
00:12:32( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Main Ramps]
00:12:36wooojFlag Thrown!
00:12:58( + ) L e g a c yI jumped over flag?
00:13:25wooojFlag Thrown!
00:14:26( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room]
00:16:21( + ) L e g a c y^3 ROFL
00:16:42( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room]
00:18:44( + ) L e g a c yffs
00:18:52( + ) L e g a c ynew pickup?
00:18:53( + ) L e g a c ylol
00:18:58( + ) L e g a c ybunny's only died 3 times
00:19:10wooojBecause he can play demo
00:19:22( + ) L e g a c ywtf? I never said he couldnt.
00:19:23( + ) L e g a c yrofl
00:19:31`BuNNyOreo is keeping me alive :P
00:19:32wooojThe point is you demo and shouldnt :D
00:19:39( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room]
00:19:48( + ) L e g a c ypoint is you talk when nobody even knows your fucking name.
00:19:49( + ) L e g a c ystfu
00:19:56Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*sup wu
00:19:56wooojSo wrong
00:19:57Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*wuj
00:19:58oreoi know wuz
00:20:27oreowuj is chill
00:20:35( + ) L e g a c yclearly
00:20:42( + ) L e g a c ywasn't even talking to him. he talks shit to me?
00:20:47( + ) L e g a c yidk him at all.
00:20:54DrSatanI think everyone just needs to count to four and take a deep breath :D
00:20:56oreoi shit talk its a game
00:20:58wooojDont complain, then nobody would answer
00:21:11( + ) L e g a c yke hero
00:21:14( + ) L e g a c yk hero*
00:21:16DrSatanthere, isn't that better?
00:21:21( + ) L e g a c y^2[Flag Dropped: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room]
00:23:00Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*wtf
00:23:04wooojFlag Thrown!
00:23:30Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*zzz