Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:54:582g|rawDawggg matt
22:55:02hdz^HeLL-de-wags just joined
22:55:08hdz^HeLL-de-said oh wrong server
22:55:11hdz^HeLL-de-and then elft
22:55:43hdz^HeLL-de-blaze it
22:55:47givashit. oatsi know this is gonna take a while
22:55:54givashit. oatsbrb bowl while people join
22:55:56hdz^HeLL-de-grab a fuckin snickers
22:56:57Flock of Seagulls hair!teams
22:56:57Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
22:56:57Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
22:57:11Teslaim beanbag
22:57:16Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
22:57:16Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
22:57:23Flock of Seagulls hairsomeone tell wags to coem back
22:57:50givashit. oats@teams
22:57:50Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
22:57:50Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
22:58:04givashit. oats@teams
22:58:04Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
22:58:04Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
22:58:19givashit. oats@teams
22:58:19Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
22:58:19Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
22:58:26Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*zzz
22:58:35givashit. oatsrawdawg blue hdz red pls
22:58:43givashit. oatsif u wouldnt mind
22:59:23Flock of Seagulls hairwags is in the wrong server
22:59:31hdz^HeLL-de-yeah he joined this server 10 mins ago
22:59:32hdz^HeLL-de-and said
22:59:35hdz^HeLL-de-ah wrong server
22:59:39hdz^HeLL-de-then left
22:59:47Flock of Seagulls hairlol
23:00:052g|WaGs.t5-BS-pui always get the server's wrong
23:00:05Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*wags
23:00:08Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*put down the pipe
23:00:11Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
23:00:11Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
23:00:122g|WaGs.t5-BS-pugot it
23:00:27Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*you conced straight into the boobies
23:00:38Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*yeyeyey
23:00:59givashit. oats@teams
23:00:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
23:00:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
23:01:01givashit. oatshello?
23:01:04Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*zzz
23:01:11Flock of Seagulls hairirc teams or capts/
23:01:13TeslaWho is picking teams?
23:01:45Teslaa lot of it is idle time in servers
23:02:23Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*this isn't chatress forever
23:02:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
23:02:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
23:02:26givashit. oatsyea i think we are waiting for you to pick
23:02:51Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
23:02:51Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
23:03:04Teslalol no
23:03:13Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*tik tok
23:03:26givashit. oats@teams
23:03:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
23:03:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
23:03:40givashit. oatscan we pick tho
23:03:43givashit. oatsits been 10 mins
23:03:55givashit. oats@teams
23:03:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
23:03:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
23:04:02givashit. oatsget flock?
23:04:10givashit. oatsflock
23:04:11givashit. oatscome blue
23:05:05Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ oats ^0&^ WaGsTeR ^0&^ BEANBAG ^0&^ oreo
23:05:05Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Flock_ ^0&^ Hampster- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ hadeZ
23:05:12hdz^HeLL-de-u picked flock
23:05:21givashit. oatsit was flock wags and beanbag
23:05:21hdz^HeLL-de-PREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!!!!
23:05:23givashit. oatsso i picked flock
23:05:31givashit. oatsfigured u do that anyways
23:05:40givashit. oatseveryone drunk/high as fuck i guess
23:06:11hdz^HeLL-de-PREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!!!!
23:06:21hdz^HeLL-de-1 sec
23:06:22givashit. oatsyi
23:06:23givashit. oatsyo
23:06:25hdz^HeLL-de-they want me to hw
23:06:26givashit. oatslets make it take 3 more mins
23:06:28givashit. oatspls
23:06:32Flock of Seagulls haircome on..
23:06:37givashit. oatsl0l
23:06:41givashit. oats??
23:06:47hdz^HeLL-de-i thought it was seconds
23:06:47Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*you fucks take 25 fucking minutes to start a goddamn pickup
23:07:08givashit. oatsyo hdz
23:07:14givashit. oatsi wanna say this is the first pickup where it took 15 mins
23:07:16givashit. oatsto start
23:07:19givashit. oatswaste a full round
23:07:28Flock of Seagulls haircut
23:07:31givashit. oatsjk boys gl
23:07:37hdz^HeLL-de-PREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
23:07:482g|rawDawggimme 5
23:07:55hdz^HeLL-de-PREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
23:07:582g|rawDawgjk LOL
23:08:01givashit. oatspls
23:08:02givashit. oatsstop
23:08:06hdz^HeLL-de-PREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
23:08:07givashit. oatslets just play
23:08:14hdz^HeLL-de-PREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
23:08:16givashit. oatslol hdz
23:08:17givashit. oatswhy
23:08:22hdz^HeLL-de-cuz u keep typing
23:08:29Flock of Seagulls hair..................
23:10:43TeslaSG left
23:11:11hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 28|23
23:13:42Teslasg down
23:13:44givashit. oatsty
23:13:45givashit. oatsnow its in fr
23:13:49Teslasry oats
23:13:52givashit. oatsnp
23:15:03Teslasg right
23:15:292g|`BuNNyHow can I kill noobs without any ammo
23:17:10( BiG ) OD
23:17:11( BiG ) OD
23:17:18( BiG ) OD
23:17:23( BiG ) OD
23:17:31( BiG ) OD
23:17:44hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 69|234
23:17:45hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 69|284
23:17:46hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 69|300
23:17:53( BiG ) OD
23:18:21hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 33|300
23:18:40hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 14|278
23:18:42hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 14|300
23:19:46hdz^HeLL-de-Medic! 16|19
23:21:122g|WaGs.t5-BS-puluck shit
23:21:14hdz^HeLL-de-tu dumb 82 230
23:21:24hdz^HeLL-de-so you fancy huh? 77 212
23:22:28hdz^HeLL-de-tu dumb 48 97
23:23:15Console^Last round's score:^0 2 ^on^0 ff_openfire
23:23:24( BiG ) OD
23:23:33Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*ROFL
23:23:352g|WaGs.t5-BS-puSuuuuuuuuuuuuuP.... Just GoT WaGGleD?!?!?!?!?
23:23:41hdz^HeLL-de-!map ff_mortality_gz_b1
23:23:42Hampster w/Radioactive Bananas*uhh