Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:57:02Stelio Kontosim here for the carry
22:57:08dongleau^HeLLim here for the garry
22:57:15Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonwat map
22:57:15Stelio Kontoswho is garry
22:57:19dongleau^HeLLthe snai
22:57:22[ inhouse - amir ]+
22:57:23Stelio Kontosoh
22:57:25Stelio Kontosrgr
22:57:27Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonsniffles the snail
22:58:03Stelio Kontosis that like, the department of labor
22:58:20spoonjust making sure neon's stream is food stamp friendly
22:58:24Robert 'biohaZ' Cancington:>
22:58:29Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonstream is, youtube isnt
22:58:51Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonum
22:58:56Stelio KontosI don't want to call you Robert, I want to call you Bob
22:59:00Robert 'biohaZ' Cancington<FDA> eat your pubes and jump of a cliff 90 50
22:59:05Stelio Kontosk.
22:59:10Robert 'biohaZ' CancingtonFeed into the miracle, don't be fuckin cynical 90 50
22:59:11Robert 'biohaZ' Cancington<@squeek> im just a furious person 90 50
22:59:13Robert 'biohaZ' Cancington<squeek.> look at the demo, bitch
22:59:34MafiaMan^we starting or
22:59:38Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonpick a map or
22:59:44Stelio Kontosdropdown
22:59:46Stelio Kontosdo it
22:59:53<] : { o> Magic FruitDROPDOWN
22:59:54<] : { o> Magic FruitDO IT
22:59:55<] : { o> Magic FruitPLS
22:59:58Stelio Kontossee
23:00:03spoonid rather add to a pickup with jibba and bash
23:00:07<] : { o> Magic FruitDROPDOWN OR NYX
23:00:09<] : { o> Magic FruitOR UNINSTALL
23:00:27Stelio Kontoshe said jibba and bash and not me
23:00:30Stelio Kontosmoving up in the world
23:00:35Stelio Kontos*pats back*
23:00:41Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonfruit
23:00:43<] : { o> Magic Fruitya?
23:00:43Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtondo u have mumble
23:00:46<] : { o> Magic Fruitya why
23:00:50Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonneed u to sub
23:00:50MafiaMan^so 2mesa3
23:00:51<] : { o> Magic Fruitim in hells
23:00:51Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtondank went mia
23:00:58<] : { o> Magic Fruitok
23:01:43spoonfruitcake if u win, noodlearms will sign ur mousepad
23:01:48bubblah^HeLLgonna do anything orrrrr
23:01:52[ inhouse - lat ]no i can't
23:01:53[ inhouse - lat ]arms too weak
23:01:56spoonlol <3
23:02:22Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonalright just change map to something
23:02:24Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonidc what it is
23:02:33Stelio Kontosmushvelin
23:02:37spoonrock 2 or im leaving
23:02:41MafiaMan^whats fdas map
23:02:48Robert 'biohaZ' CancingtonHey, nice cheats <] : { o> Magic Fruit
23:02:50Stelio Kontosanticitizen
23:02:50zexelbleepboop is broken
23:02:55spoonepicenter or leaving
23:02:56MafiaMan^whats wrong with it
23:02:59bubblah^HeLLbleep is fine?
23:03:00Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonfidd_l pls
23:03:03Stelio Kontosflagrun
23:03:06MafiaMan^spiderX 5v5
23:03:07Stelio Kontoscz2
23:03:08ConsoleSubstitute player request created
23:03:09dongleau^HeLLthe security isnt working right on bleep
23:03:11Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonspiderx
23:03:14Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonwe both get fruit on d
23:03:16zexelany time you try to get out of spawn
23:03:17zexelyou die
23:03:20MafiaMan^bleep has security..../
23:03:25MafiaMan^oh thats a lua thing isn't it
23:03:28zexeland you spawn randomly
23:04:25Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonearwax
23:04:28[ inhouse - amir ]lets do oppose
23:04:33<] : { o> Magic Fruitbaked
23:04:35<] : { o> Magic Fruitreloaded
23:04:39Stelio Kontosroasted
23:04:40[ inhouse - lat ]2fort
23:04:41[ inhouse - lat ]tbh
23:04:42[ inhouse - lat ]nel
23:04:43[ inhouse - lat ]imo
23:04:44<] : { o> Magic Fruit2fort
23:04:45[ inhouse - amir ]ok just pick a map and start
23:04:47<] : { o> Magic Fruitdo it
23:04:47Robert 'biohaZ' Cancingtonschrape sucks u tard
23:04:56spoonxpress or leaving
23:05:03L e g a c y .t5-8v8?
23:05:05Stelio Kontosmyth
23:05:12L e g a c y .t5-volleyball