Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
17:29:36† cold@teams
17:29:36Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ [NIL8]Friday-VD ^0&^ cheffrey- ^0&^ cold____ ^0&^ Wicked_Clown
17:29:36Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Mashi- ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ littledevil` ^0&^ matt--
17:30:11† coldbrb
17:32:34† cold@teams
17:32:34Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ [NIL8]Friday-VD ^0&^ cheffrey- ^0&^ cold____ ^0&^ Wicked_Clown
17:32:34Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Mashi- ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ littledevil` ^0&^ matt--
17:32:43† colduhh
17:32:49† coldsab capt?
17:33:00( @^_^ ) =@chef sab
17:33:15† coldboth connectin
17:33:30† coldmashi wanna cap
17:33:33† coldme nu
17:33:35† coldn u
17:33:41( @^_^ ) =@um sure
17:33:55† cold@teams
17:33:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ [NIL8]Friday-VD ^0&^ cheffrey- ^0&^ cold____ ^0&^ Wicked_Clown
17:33:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Mashi- ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ littledevil` ^0&^ matt--
17:33:56cheffrey-so toned
17:34:00cheffrey-tuned up
17:34:14† coldmatt
17:34:38( @^_^ ) =@um
17:34:39( @^_^ ) =@ok
17:34:42( @^_^ ) =@sab friday
17:34:57† coldchef
17:35:19[NIL8]-FridayThe13th -VDsab red
17:35:31( @^_^ ) =@devil
17:35:35† coldclown
17:35:39( @^_^ ) =@i hear u hw
17:35:41( @^_^ ) =@dev?
17:35:43† coldteams good/
17:35:44† cold?
17:35:51little devilyep but not so sure with ping, i can try tho
17:35:54little devilwant me as hw ?
17:35:57( @^_^ ) =@sure
17:36:01( @^_^ ) =@ill eng
17:36:09little devilk !
17:36:09[NIL8]-FridayThe13th -VDill btn solly
17:36:19( @^_^ ) =@devils ping high
17:36:22( @^_^ ) =@devs ping hih
17:36:26little devilyep
17:36:29givashit. Sabbathim laggy as fuck
17:36:40cheffrey-me too
17:36:43cheffrey-press .r
17:36:45cheffrey-press .r
17:36:46cheffrey-press .r
17:36:47cheffrey-press .r
17:36:48givashit. Sabbath20 fps
17:36:57[NIL8]-FridayThe13th -VDrs ur game?
17:37:20[NIL8]-FridayThe13th -VDsab u need a pc restart?
17:37:56little devilaim is quite strange
17:37:59little devilwith high ping hw
17:37:59cheffrey-sabs vid card blew up?
17:38:15cheffrey-u good sab?
17:38:26givashit. Sabbathi think so
17:38:36† coldgod bless
17:39:26cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 12 ^6::
17:41:25cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 59 ^6::
17:41:49cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 30 ^6::
17:42:30cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 3 ^6::
17:42:53cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 -4 ^6::
17:45:07cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 -88 ^6::
17:45:11little devilis it me or it's too hard to aim with hw
17:45:13little devilhigh ping
17:45:17little devilnot like tfc
17:46:55cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 42 ^6::
17:47:34cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 75 ^6::
17:48:34cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 -61 ^6::
17:48:44cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 78 ^6::
17:48:47cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 16 ^6::
17:49:40cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 68 ^6::
17:50:27givashit. SabbathGET A SCOUT?? 33 - 35
17:52:17cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 -14 ^6::
17:52:43cheffrey-^6:: ^5tossed^4 -10 ^6::