Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:49:02iansirwow my textures are niggered
21:49:23BOSS | Vinzo!teams
21:49:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ commie ^0&^ FPSMoto ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ Prime-
21:49:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ leadmine ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ grIMace ^0&^ Features
21:49:25BOSS | Vinzonice
21:49:29BOSS | Vinzothat means parsed should work
21:49:35K. Reeves'you adn features i guses?
21:49:41BOSS | Vinzonot even gonna ask features
21:49:45SpaceTurkehshowed up a little late. hahaa
21:49:52BOSS | Vinzowe might need u
21:49:55BOSS | Vinzoif u stick around
21:50:10SpaceTurkehyeh, im ok w/ that
21:50:43BOSS | Vinzo!TEAMS
21:50:43Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ commie ^0&^ FPSMoto ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ Prime-
21:50:43Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ leadmine ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ grIMace ^0&^ Features
21:51:19commieyo its darker than usual in here
21:51:20iansircan i hang out on mumble with the cool kids
21:51:24BOSS | Vinzoof course
21:51:29BOSS | Vinzobut im only the kid on there
21:51:37BOSS | Vinzour always welcome on my mumble ian
21:51:38iansiryours is the only voice i really wanna hear
21:51:42BOSS | VinzoLOL
21:51:44Mclaggy fucklol
21:51:46BOSS | Vinzonice
21:51:50Mclaggy fuck3q ian
21:51:52Mclaggy fuckdat u
21:51:54Mclaggy fucksexy man
21:51:55BOSS | Vinzok so
21:51:58BOSS | Vinzome and who
21:52:03Mclaggy fuckwhere is uh
21:52:06iansirTF till i die
21:52:07BOSS | Vinzoor should i just not cpatain
21:52:09Mclaggy fuckwoodeh or whatever
21:52:10Mclaggy fuckwardy
21:52:11Mclaggy fuckyea
21:52:13iansirlol woodeh
21:52:17BOSS | Vinzome and grim?
21:52:18iansirhes a stubborn bitch
21:52:20BOSS | Vinzo!teams
21:52:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ commie ^0&^ FPSMoto ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ Prime-
21:52:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ leadmine ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ grIMace ^0&^ Features
21:52:20K. Reeves'idk anyone
21:52:25Mclaggy fucki remember him from the pub clan
21:52:28BOSS | Vinzohmm
21:52:31Mclaggy fuckthat i tried out for like 10 years ago
21:52:33Mclaggy fucklol
21:52:33iansiryeah wardy loved 3Q
21:52:36BOSS | Vinzodo u want blue or red grim
21:52:41K. Reeves'uh
21:52:44commieYO TFC TF2 WHO IT BE WHAT IT DO
21:52:48BOSS | Vinzolol commie
21:52:48K. Reeves'just give me features
21:52:53BOSS | Vinzok
21:52:59iansirTF2 can die in a fire
21:53:18K. Reeves'whos commie
21:53:24BOSS | Vinzosome dude
21:53:25BOSS | Vinzonew
21:53:25commieyour mom
21:53:27BOSS | Vinzocommie spec plz
21:53:27GOBBLE GOBBLEwhat if TF3 was just like FF, but with the best weapon selection from
21:53:30GOBBLE GOBBLEtf2
21:53:30K. Reeves'cool
21:53:33commiea random noob
21:53:40commieim fuckin terrible dont worry
21:53:56commier u neo
21:53:59iansirlatency looks good commie
21:54:05K. Reeves'yep
21:54:08commieyeah not bad thanks d00d
21:54:16iansirit was all bran
21:54:26LeadMineiam brand
21:54:29LeadMinein irc
21:54:34iansiryour internet optimization advice
21:54:36commiethanks to both of you
21:54:42LeadMineyour welcome bro
21:54:45K. Reeves'whos left
21:54:48LeadMineanything to have 8th
21:54:53K. Reeves'dammit
21:54:56K. Reeves'moya was first
21:55:02BOSS | Vinzofucjk
21:55:03commiefeatures is the clear choice
21:55:07LeadMinedid it help
21:55:07BOSS | Vinzohes already picked
21:55:08K. Reeves'moTo?
21:55:10LeadMineyour lag
21:55:13BOSS | Vinzosorry moya :(
21:55:15commieyeah i was at 250 before
21:55:28iansiris moya space turkeh?
21:55:28commieit still craps out some but its way better
21:55:32BOSS | Vinzoyea
21:55:49BOSS | Vinzoi feel proud of myself
21:55:53BOSS | Vinzoi lifted 180 today lol
21:55:57BOSS | Vinzoim so weak its sad
21:56:03BOSS | Vinzoi did it 4 times
21:56:04GOBBLE GOBBLEyou think thats bad
21:56:06iansirgood work man
21:56:06LeadMinewas that the turkey leg
21:56:08commievinny = skinny
21:56:10GOBBLE GOBBLEim working on 100lbs
21:56:12commiecant lift very many
21:56:17LeadMinei cant even brag
21:56:20LeadMineppl get hurt
21:56:28GOBBLE GOBBLEmy dick can lift more than my arms can
21:56:33commiei do way too much coke to work out
21:56:33BOSS | Vinzowell, you lie about stupid things so we wouldnt believe u anyways
21:56:41LeadMinehave u seen my arms bra
21:56:42BOSS | Vinzoflex
21:56:46iansirif cuked my rotator cuff up
21:56:49K. Reeves'COMMIE
21:56:53BOSS | Vinzono , but i have seen ur face
21:56:55iansirnever lift heavy again
21:56:55BOSS | VinzoLOL
21:57:01BOSS | Vinzoya
21:57:11commieyoull be sorry
21:57:17commiei apologize in advance
21:57:20GOBBLE GOBBLEbut i am starting to lift for strength, not bulk
21:57:38GOBBLE GOBBLEwho
21:58:23BOSS | Vinzoleamdine peeing
21:58:24BOSS | Vinzosorry
21:58:25K. Reeves'OFFFENSE BSBY
21:58:27SpaceTurkehcommie, more UNF on your turning while you bhop
21:58:38K. Reeves'in 15 mins
21:58:45K. Reeves'without stopping
21:59:55BOSS | VinzoROFL
22:03:44BOSS | Vinzohi
22:13:57BOSS | Vinzogg]