Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:19:28BOSS | Vinzolol?
21:19:32Spacebutlerspace butler
21:19:40BOSS | Vinzowhat is that
21:19:46Spacebutlerthat picture
21:19:50Spacebutlerthat's space butler
21:19:50BOSS | Vinzowhats a space butler tho
21:20:01Spacebutlercharacter from some b rated anime
21:20:04BOSS | Vinzoah
21:20:38BOSS | Vinzo!teams
21:20:38Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ hoopa
21:20:38Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features ^0&^ sb_
21:20:52BOSS | Vinzo!teams
21:20:53Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ hoopa
21:20:53Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features ^0&^ sb_
21:21:16BOSS | Mafioits the prime time of your life
21:21:23BOSS | Vinzo!teams
21:21:23Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ hoopa
21:21:23Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features ^0&^ sb_
21:21:27Features-i dunno
21:21:29BOSS | Vinzogood player pool
21:21:31BOSS | Vinzolets do this
21:21:32Features-nutella isn't that good
21:21:34BOSS | Vinzoomg
21:21:36BOSS | Vinzoi love nutella
21:21:37BOSS | Mafiowhat..
21:21:38Features-just had it
21:21:38BOSS | Mafioyea
21:21:39BOSS | Vinzodude on toast
21:21:40BOSS | Mafiowhat the hell
21:21:40Features-first time
21:21:41BOSS | Mafioit's awesome
21:21:41BOSS | Vinzoin the morning
21:21:42Features-it is good
21:21:44Features-but not amazing
21:21:49BOSS | Vinzoon toast in the morning with milk
21:21:50BOSS | Mafioit's the best thing you can put on...bread
21:21:51BOSS | Vinzoi lov it
21:21:52Spacebutlerwhat are you eating it on?
21:21:58Features-wheat bread
21:22:02BOSS | Mafioit pretty much goes on anything
21:22:06BOSS | Vinzoyo i do a little nutella and fluff
21:22:09BOSS | MafioYES
21:22:11Spacebutleri was about to say, add fluff
21:22:12BOSS | Vinzoon a toasted english muffin
21:22:20hadeZtheBOSS^HeLL-de-yeah a little bit of nutella when i nutt
21:22:20BOSS | Mafiovinny has my style
21:22:26BOSS | Mafiobrown cum?
21:22:26BOSS | Vinzohell ya
21:22:29BOSS | Vinzorofl
21:22:30BOSS | Mafiokinda disgusting hadez
21:22:35BOSS | Vinzoyea
21:22:37BOSS | Vinzothats mad gross
21:22:41hadeZtheBOSS^HeLL-de-maybe its nutella
21:22:44Spacebutlernutella and marshmellow fluff = comfort
21:22:44BOSS | MafioWHOS MISSING.
21:22:45hadeZtheBOSS^HeLL-de-maybve its maybaene
21:22:47BOSS | Vinzo!teams
21:22:47Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ hoopa
21:22:47Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features ^0&^ sb_
21:23:04BOSS | Mafio@teams
21:23:04Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ hoopa
21:23:04Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ KingFagg0tHater ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ Features ^0&^ sb_
21:23:07hoopcan we play destroyz_b2
21:23:08BOSS | Vinzofda
21:23:09BOSS | Vinzohe will brb
21:23:12BOSS | Vinzonot on server
21:23:12BOSS | Mafiofda
21:23:13BOSS | Vinzoi tried already
21:23:20BOSS | Vinzoi can add to mine
21:23:22BOSS | Vinzobut not right now
21:23:24BOSS | Vinzoi gotta setup my FTP
21:23:56BOSS | Vinzocool
21:23:57BOSS | Vinzowe set
21:24:14BOSS | Vinzomm?
21:24:15BOSS | Vinzoand hadez?
21:24:20BOSS | Vinzopretty much solid cant go wrong
21:24:29Features-<Vinzo> you must think i LOVE to argue with ppl i just have to say something back when someone fucks iwth me -2 23
21:24:50SpacebutlerThis is True. 1 50
21:24:50BOSS | Vinzomm and hadez?
21:24:51Features-girl texts me
21:24:56Features-want to learn to skeet on me
21:25:09Features-no lie
21:25:09BOSS | Vinzosigh w.e lol
21:25:15hadeZtheBOSS^HeLL-de-i pick vinny
21:25:19Spacebutleryeah, what kind of girls you know?
21:25:23Spacebutlerare they girls?
21:25:27BOSS | Vinzoi never get to lay with hadez
21:25:29hadeZtheBOSS^HeLL-de-now who does red cpt pick
21:25:29BOSS | Vinzocan someone red captain
21:25:36Spacebutleryou can teach her the ways of the skeeti
21:25:39BOSS | Vinzoplenty of good players
21:25:40BOSS | Mafio3 picks for red?
21:25:48BOSS | Vinzohow is mafia hoop and features
21:25:52BOSS | Vinzonot a good matchup vs us
21:26:01hoopim terribad
21:26:07hoop(registerted trademark)
21:26:08BOSS | Mafioi dunno
21:26:14BOSS | Mafiothey are gonna get hoop
21:26:16King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdbeing modest
21:26:21King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdhow did i know]
21:26:27BOSS | Mafioblue pipe super kill
21:26:29BOSS | Mafiorape
21:26:42hoopwhos 2nd red
21:26:45BOSS | Vinzohoop blue
21:26:47BOSS | Vinzostif red
21:26:50BOSS | Mafiostiffy is color blind
21:26:55BOSS | Mafiofda
21:26:58BOSS | Mafioimo
21:27:01Spacebutlerwait, red didnt get hoop?
21:27:04BOSS | Mafiohe can soldier
21:27:07Features-oh she meant ski
21:27:08hoopdont worry i suck
21:27:14BOSS | Mafioleis
21:27:16BOSS | MafioLIES
21:27:16BOSS | Vinzok
21:27:18BOSS | Vinzomoya blue
21:27:19BOSS | Vinzolets start
21:27:23Spacebutlerstacked lol
21:27:32BOSS | Vinzofor who/
21:27:36BOSS | Mafioblue by 900 right sb
21:27:38Spacebutlerscouts i mean
21:28:37BOSS | Vinzogl hf
21:33:16BOSS | MafioMY WAY
21:37:27Features-k defend our fr
21:38:20BOSS | Mafioyay
21:38:44BOSS | Mafioin ceiling
21:39:17[COBs] BOSTW|xlol
21:39:24BOSS | Mafioin
21:39:29Features-Detting Dispenser
21:39:44Spacebutleri was like 20 feet that time
21:40:53BOSS | MafioMedic! [17.13]
21:42:59BOSS | MafioMedic! [12.9]
21:43:38King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdi need to RS