Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:34:09spoonu cool with hw
23:34:16CaptainAhabsure, whatever
23:34:16spoonill back u up
23:34:17Carbthis map is straight shit
23:34:19CLUB-David-12 caps is not the average lol
23:34:28( BiG ) LEViNit was all spoon
23:34:40DET-DrSatanlol week 1 on regular season
23:34:44npm install deez-nutsfor real maps suck. this game would be so much better without maps.
23:36:41L e g a c y .t5-shoulda did that backwards carb
23:36:47L e g a c y .t5-would've gotten out
23:39:40L e g a c y .t5-^3 Carb, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
23:40:01CLUB-David-FLAG TOSSED!
23:40:30CarbUhhhh..YEAH 75 50
23:41:51L e g a c y .t5-!score
23:41:51Console^Last round's score:^0 12 ^on^0 ff_medieval_b11
23:44:20L e g a c y .t5-I heard you like them.
23:44:23spoon<@FDA> hello, my name is vtb, and i hate niggers 90 120
23:44:27L e g a c y .t5-on your head or some shit?
23:44:30spoonnpm install deez-nuts , have you seen my PIC WITH A DICK? ROFLZALROLFZ
23:44:33CLUB-David-FLAG TOSSED!
23:45:10L e g a c y .t5-
23:45:17L e g a c y .t5-
23:45:29spooncoe blue plz
23:45:31L e g a c y .t5-
23:45:38spooni can read all cahts
23:45:42L e g a c y .t5-I bet
23:45:46L e g a c y .t5-or you have someone on mumble
23:45:49L e g a c y .t5-like usual.
23:45:54L e g a c y .t5-it's not cheating tho bro.
23:45:59L e g a c y .t5-you're just
23:46:27L e g a c y .t5-shouldn't you not be able to read all chats?
23:46:34L e g a c y .t5-wouldn't that be a cheat?
23:46:37L e g a c y .t5-hmmm
23:46:38spoonare u really that stupid?
23:46:46spoongo headbutt a knife kiddo
23:46:47L e g a c y .t5-you admited it bruh
23:46:49L e g a c y .t5-not me.
23:46:52[ inhouse - amir ]shouldn't you not lol
23:46:56[ inhouse - amir ]should not you not?!
23:47:14L e g a c y .t5-not team chats
23:47:15L e g a c y .t5-;)
23:47:20L e g a c y .t5-I said it in team chat.
23:47:26spoonmatts on mumble
23:47:35L e g a c y .t5-lol
23:47:36L e g a c y .t5-as I said
23:47:39givashit. mattamir told me to say it
23:47:45spooninspector gadget here
23:47:56RAK | raggebatuRgo go gadget middle finger
23:48:05L e g a c y .t5-idk why anybody plays this w/ fucking spoon. rofl
23:48:30spoonmy team is having fun
23:48:48L e g a c y .t5-ask blue if they are.
23:48:48CLUB-David-most stacked teams do
23:48:52L e g a c y .t5-right?
23:48:58L e g a c y .t5-welcome to spoon.pickup
23:49:20L e g a c y .t5-lol worthless
23:49:39givashit. mattlol poor crunk
23:50:09DET-DrSatangee gee