Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:52:58warlordare we switching O and D?
00:53:00special snowflakei can demo ro engy
00:53:12Davidshit that was awful
00:53:19( BiG ) Od!uMthat wasn't that bad at all
00:53:20Ore0-^HeLLwelcome to pickups ;)
00:53:21Davidi have no idea why im lagging so terribly
00:53:32Ore0-^HeLL2 rds 15 mins a piece
00:53:37Davidi have so much packet loss in ff
00:53:44Davidwhat should my rate be?
00:53:46Ore0-^HeLLcap or u bad :P
00:53:51special snowflake!score
00:53:51Console^Last round's score:^0 6 ^on^0 ff_schtop
00:53:58( BiG ) Od!uMmine is 100000
00:53:59warlordwherey ou need me?
00:54:01( BiG ) Od!uMlol idk mines all default
00:54:23warlordsorry out of pos
00:54:46foxinc MAIN
00:56:16foxPLAY button
00:56:27Ore0-^HeLLps soldier is most effective at button ;)
00:56:31[ inhouse - dank ]team pls team
00:56:33[ inhouse - dank ]WOW
00:56:36warlordlol sorry
00:57:47warlordda f
01:00:33warlordthey conc right past
01:00:42DavidFLAG TOSSED!
01:00:57DavidFLAG TOSSED!
01:01:29DavidFLAG TOSSED!
01:02:16( BiG ) Od!uM( BiG ) Dick style 14 8===D 26
01:03:01DavidFLAG TOSSED!
01:03:13special snowflakewarlord you need to follow flag
01:04:24special snowflakeno shells cr :/
01:07:57foxi give up lol
01:08:08Davidthank you warlord for subbing
01:08:25warlordi'm outclassed on D :)
01:08:45Davidyou did fine
01:08:50Davidfox sucks
01:08:50[ inhouse - dank ]lol
01:08:54[ inhouse - dank ]that was fun
01:08:56( BiG ) Od!uMLOL!!!
01:08:56special snowflakegg
01:09:00( BiG ) Od!uMspy ftw
01:09:01( BiG ) Od!uMgg