Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:11:03( @*_*) =@.r
00:11:04( @*_*) =@?
00:11:08( @-_-) =@bash ready
00:11:10( @-_-) =@up
00:11:11( @D_r ) =@on you lol
00:11:32=PWN= WaGsTeRhe was pissin
00:11:56=PWN= WaGsTeRBASH
00:11:57( @D_r ) =@was? lol
00:12:00( @*_*) =@.r
00:12:02( @*_*) =@.r
00:12:04( @*_*) =@,.r
00:12:05( @*_*) =@.r
00:12:05=PWN= WaGsTeRdidn't konw he had to pee that long
00:12:06( @*_*) =@,r
00:12:07jaysaunwaterrrr thoseee
00:12:07( @*_*) =@,r
00:12:55=PWN= WaGsTeRummmmmmmm
00:12:58=PWN= WaGsTeRhe poopin???
00:19:37=PWN= WaGsTeRSuuuuuuuuuuuuuP.... Just GoT WaGGleD?!?!?!?!?
00:21:43( @*_*) =@twice
00:21:44( @*_*) =@threw
00:22:09=PWN=BashYOU ARE TELEporting
00:22:29( @D_r ) =@words 'N' shit jaysaun 1 21
00:22:34( @*_*) =@u mad bro? 75 | 50
00:22:37( @*_*) =@ad
00:24:47( @*_*) =@walls
00:24:58=PWN=Bashill record if u want
00:25:10( @*_*) =@everything so serious
00:25:11( @*_*) =@with u
00:25:23=PWN= WaGsTeRSuuuuuuuuuuuuuP.... Just GoT WaGGleD?!?!?!?!?
00:28:12( @*_*) =@gg
00:28:17=PWN= WaGsTeRSuuuuuuuuuuuuuP.... Just GoT WaGGleD?!?!?!?!?
00:28:18( @-_-) =@gg
00:28:25( @D_r ) =@gee gee