Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:48:46=PWN= gerriecap 4 first
22:48:54=PWN= oatsimma med
22:49:56=PWN= oatsits my first game too
22:50:02=PWN= gerriedude its 5;30 and i just woke up
22:50:18=PWN= oatsthat Uk time tho
22:50:20=PWN= gerrie5;50
22:50:21=PWN= gerriexd
22:50:29=PWN= oatsworth it tho
22:50:30=PWN= gerrieback to bed after
22:50:34=PWN= oatsso we could beat the randoms + the ringers
22:50:38=PWN= oatsworth waking up
22:50:39=PWN= oatsl0l
22:50:41=PWN= gerrierak going to bed having nightmares of this
22:50:45=PWN= oatsLIOL
22:51:01=PWN= oatslets cap 20
22:51:03=PWN= oatsfuck 10
22:52:10=PWN= oatsmid ram[
22:52:53=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
22:52:53=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
22:52:54=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
22:52:55=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
22:52:56=PWN= gerriefr
22:53:29=PWN= oatsgood spot now
22:53:51=PWN= oatsLOL
22:53:53=PWN= oatswoo[s
22:54:01=PWN= gerrieAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:-10 A:16]
22:54:53=PWN= gerrieNeed help [H:3 A:26]
22:56:31=PWN= gerrieAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
22:56:58=PWN= gerriecant hit a conc
22:56:59=PWN= gerrielol
22:58:58=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
22:59:10=PWN= gerrietidal
22:59:13=PWN= gerrielucky fucking hw
23:00:15=PWN= gerriesg
23:00:45=PWN= oatsmid ramp
23:01:18=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
23:01:19=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
23:01:25=PWN= gerrieIncoming:
23:02:53=PWN= oats:)
23:04:02=PWN= oatsshit
23:04:18=PWN= oatsmid fr floor
23:04:43=PWN= gerriev
23:05:01=PWN= oatsfoyer
23:05:05=PWN= gerrieNeed help [H:41 A:41]
23:05:19=PWN= oatsout
23:05:57=PWN= oatsgg
23:05:57Gooster -FkM-gg
23:05:57RAK | deadlysevengg
23:05:59RAK | Hitokirigg