Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:05:29new mouse@teams
23:05:29Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:05:29Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:05:53All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:05:53All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:05:54All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:05:55All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:05:57All I want for christmas is you^1 All I want for christmas is you
23:06:07foxhow do u type in color
23:06:23All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:06:23All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:06:28All I want for christmas is you^2 All I want for christmas is you
23:06:31All I want for christmas is you^3 All I want for christmas is you
23:06:51new mousealright
23:06:52new mouse@teams
23:06:52Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:06:52Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:06:55All I want for christmas is you^4 All I want for christmas is you
23:06:57All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:06:58All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:07:06All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is youAll
23:07:07new mouse@teams
23:07:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:07:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:07:08Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:07:08Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:07:12foxevery1 here?
23:07:13new mouseill red
23:07:15All I want for christmas is you^8 All I want for christmas is you
23:07:23foxsneaky and titan
23:07:25All I want for christmas is you^9 All I want for christmas is you
23:07:27foxspoon drunk
23:07:33All I want for christmas is you^10 All I want for christmas is you
23:07:34foxno i dunno ppl
23:07:43All I want for christmas is you!teams
23:07:43Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:07:43Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:07:50( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 12 | 43 Can't win'em all =(
23:07:52( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 12 | 43 Can't win'em all =(
23:07:52( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 12 | 43 Can't win'em all =(
23:07:59All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:08:00All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:08:07foxsome1 go blue
23:08:15new mousei was red
23:08:21All I want for christmas is you!teams
23:08:21Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:08:21Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:08:34All I want for christmas is youi pick All I want for christmas is you
23:08:34fox46 spec
23:08:37All I want for christmas is youKappa
23:08:39All I want for christmas is you!teams
23:08:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:08:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:08:52All I want for christmas is youfoxx
23:08:57foxis cr even here?
23:08:59( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 Robert is that wifi thingy I gave you working?
23:09:02[aO] MeX-[e9]-cr/titan
23:09:07All I want for christmas is you!teams
23:09:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:09:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:09:11( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 oh shit
23:09:13[TALOS]46&2negative function
23:09:14( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 what you using
23:09:15( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 ?
23:09:22[TALOS]46&2worked my way into the house
23:09:23All I want for christmas is youint
23:09:23( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 It may be because of your OS man
23:09:25[TALOS]46&2on the router
23:09:29[aO] MeX-[e9]-!teams
23:09:29Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:09:29Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:09:31All I want for christmas is youhohohoe
23:09:34( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 oh nice
23:09:38[TALOS]46&2i need new OS
23:09:45new mousewho can ng
23:09:46All I want for christmas is youAll I want for christmas is you
23:09:51All I want for christmas is youme babe
23:10:09All I want for christmas is young just build a gun
23:10:11All I want for christmas is you:D?
23:10:17new moused
23:10:20new mousedirt red
23:10:23All I want for christmas is youi can show u
23:10:24foxis CR here?
23:10:45foxtitan u want dj or CR?
23:10:49new mousewe have cr
23:10:55foxk dj spec
23:10:55All I want for christmas is you!teams
23:10:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:10:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:10:58new mouseand dj
23:11:01new mousepay attention
23:11:01All I want for christmas is youi pick hohohoe
23:11:08foxwhy is spoon on red
23:11:13All I want for christmas is youhes captain
23:11:14new mousefox bro
23:11:20new mousegetting u some glasses for xmas
23:11:30foxk our turn
23:11:34( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 DJ flutewhiste
23:12:04( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 Pat's drunk
23:12:05Wicked_Clowntime for thc candies i think
23:12:15Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:12:15Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:12:23All I want for christmas is youjump + crouch
23:12:26All I want for christmas is youctrl
23:12:31foxguys spec so we can pick
23:12:33All I want for christmas is youright click mouse for overpessure
23:12:33( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 Dirt about to get 80 burger
23:13:04( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 you goin' learn today
23:13:09[TALOS]46&2im probly the worst here today
23:13:10All I want for christmas is youwhat he said
23:13:13[TALOS]46&2just play
23:13:14All I want for christmas is youyour learning today
23:13:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:13:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:13:20Crab Rangoon!teams
23:13:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:13:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:13:29All I want for christmas is youtotse
23:13:32All I want for christmas is youblue babe
23:14:00All I want for christmas is you:)
23:14:14All I want for christmas is youez
23:14:28[aO] MeX-[e9]-NOT ON MY WATCH 80 50
23:14:30Ho-ho-hoeDo you even lift bro? 75|50
23:14:31foxdont build jumppad there
23:14:43Crab Rangoon!teams
23:14:43Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Ho-ho-hoe ^0&^ _-7 ^0&^ foxxx ^0&^ totse
23:14:43Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ titan ^0&^ Cltrtr_Rvw ^0&^ djdirtwhistle
23:16:33new mouse<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 58 35
23:18:11( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 use the ramps tots.
23:18:15( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 conc to themp and slide baby
23:18:20( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 yayayaya
23:18:21Ho-ho-hoeDo you even lift bro? 11|31
23:20:00( + ) f a t a l .t5-^2[Flesh:1 | Blood:0]
23:20:04( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 lol
23:20:11( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 they changed the speed of the jpad
23:20:15( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 it's throwing you off.
23:20:16( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 lol
23:22:17( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 noK. bash-XD-BSU-[e9]-AA-dI`m3., ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
23:23:07Ho-ho-hoeDo you even lift bro? 4|24
23:23:21( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 Ho-ho-hoe, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
23:23:21( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 Ho-ho-hoe, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
23:24:12Ho-ho-hoeDo you even lift bro? 3|25
23:26:31( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 fox, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
23:26:33All I want for christmas is youwhat cathc
23:26:33( + ) f a t a l .t5-^3 fox, ^4 You need balls if you wanna juggle.
23:26:35All I want for christmas is youwhat a cathc ROFL
23:26:36( + ) f a t a l .t5-^5 nice catch man