Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:10:09the king!teams
20:10:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ lynn ^0&^ gobbleturk ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ spoooon
20:10:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ azureTF ^0&^ Bash ^0&^ titan ^0&^ Moya
20:10:22the kinggoblele
20:10:34the kingOkay 75:50
20:10:36the kinglynn
20:10:37the king@teams
20:10:37Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ lynn ^0&^ gobbleturk ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ spoooon
20:10:37Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ azureTF ^0&^ Bash ^0&^ titan ^0&^ Moya
20:10:42the truth *pSmedman sybbing
20:10:42spoonlynn is subbed
20:10:45the kingof course
20:10:47the truth *pS362 ping
20:10:50the king!teams
20:10:50Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ lynn ^0&^ gobbleturk ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ spoooon
20:10:50Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ azureTF ^0&^ Bash ^0&^ titan ^0&^ Moya
20:11:10spoonsean get on my mumble
20:11:11the truth *pS!teams
20:11:12Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ lynn ^0&^ gobbleturk ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ spoooon
20:11:12Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ azureTF ^0&^ Bash ^0&^ titan ^0&^ Moya
20:11:13spoonim gonna get moya
20:11:34the king@teams
20:11:34Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ lynn ^0&^ gobbleturk ^0&^ oreo ^0&^ spoooon
20:11:34Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ azureTF ^0&^ Bash ^0&^ titan ^0&^ Moya
20:11:36the kingmoye
20:11:46the kingzure
20:11:52the truth *pSROFL
20:11:53the truth *pSjosh
20:12:26the truth *pSyes
20:12:28the truth *pStrade
20:12:44the kinghe only plays sol
20:13:10the kingwait
20:13:12the kingmoya can't demo
20:13:24Space Butler?
20:13:34Space Butlersince whent?
20:13:43the kingok
20:13:44the kingtrade
20:13:49the kingexecutive decision
20:13:52Space Butlercan i get a trade. Titan doesn't believe in my ability to play this game.
20:13:55the truth *pSyoungBlOOd *pS
20:13:56the truth *pStrade
20:14:00the truth *pS@admin
20:14:00Console^Admin:^0 lynn
20:14:01the kingtrading moya
20:14:05the truth *pSazure
20:14:06the kingfor josh #33
20:14:06the truth *pSlisten
20:14:12the truth *pSif u and josh lose
20:14:15the truth *pSthats a ban from tfc pickup
20:14:27the truth *pSAJAJAJA
20:14:40the truth *pSim watching u josh
20:14:43the kingok
20:16:57the kingtossed 44~33
20:18:09the truth *pSconcaim.dll
20:18:11the truth *pS^7
20:18:17the kingtossed -10~0
20:18:27azureI sexually identify as concaim.dll 90 100
20:18:34the kingtossed 51~35
20:18:41the kingok gobbleturk
20:18:44the truth *pSok
20:18:45the kingtossed 58~53
20:20:30the truth *pSok
20:20:33the truth *pSconcaim.dll
20:20:35azureI sexually identify as concaim.dll 90 100
20:20:54the truth *pSperfectplayer.dll
20:22:15the truth *pSconcaim.dll
20:22:24the kingok Fella | Get Rekt, inc
20:22:41the kingtossed 19~0
20:22:49the truth *pSok
20:23:16the kingok Fella | Get Rekt, inc
20:24:06-SIN- Bash.diko
20:25:13spoongo my way
20:26:07spoonFELT LIKE I DID EVERYTHING 58 31
20:26:50the kingtossed -59~0
20:27:00the kingtossed 90~100
20:27:55the king<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 90 100
20:27:56-SIN- Bash.dihi
20:29:09the truth *pS
20:29:16the truth *pS
20:29:16the kingtossed 40~34
20:29:33the king<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 22 0
20:29:43the kingtossed 14~0