Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:24:45ShotgunBotill solly wanted to demo tho
23:24:47cardinalnot sure how to demo
23:25:17cardinalsomeone else can take demo
23:25:25nnieoh cool we have a pyro
23:26:47Jody Highroller!needsub
23:26:47ConsoleSubstitute player request created
23:26:49Jody Highroller^5 lagging hard
23:26:51Jody Highroller^5 video lag
23:26:53Jody Highroller^5 cant conc
23:27:09fluffyhamsteris it laptop
23:28:46Jody Highroller^2[Flag Dropped: ]
23:33:02Jody Highroller^5 lol anyways pyro is broken
23:33:04Jody Highroller^5 games dead
23:33:05Jody Highroller^5 gg
23:36:56ShotgunBotcalling it
23:37:04present only while!cancelsub
23:37:04ConsoleSubstitute player request cancelled
23:37:04ShotgunBotlegacy is a bitch
23:37:12Old Man Fruitcake [ABN]fluffys a bitch
23:37:15Old Man Fruitcake [ABN]always bitchin about teams
23:37:16Old Man Fruitcake [ABN]wont captain
23:37:17fluffyhamsterhiw abiyt me?
23:37:19Old Man Fruitcake [ABN]has to have a stack
23:37:22fluffyhamsteri didnt do shit
23:37:27fluffyhamsteru poicked teams
23:37:50Old Man Fruitcake [ABN]dont ever add to my pickups fluffy
23:38:41fluffyhamsteri complained about map not teams
23:38:44fluffyhamsterfor the record
23:39:35Old Man Fruitcake [ABN]id rather play with bash than u