Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:53:43Franz[INC]can you solly well fruit?
23:53:55Franz[INC]what was the trick
23:53:59Franz[INC]sorry for interupting
23:54:21Franz[INC]the edge
23:54:35Franz[INC]yea that could be helpful
23:54:38Franz[INC]i see what you mena
23:54:58foxfranz watch
23:55:02Franz[INC]ok hold on
23:55:08Franz[INC]ok go again
23:55:12NeonLight-RS +M|M+o
23:55:16NeonLight-RS +M|M+pea brain 1 0
23:55:19Old Man FruitcakeLiTE - I can't get my conc out
23:55:27LiTEFruitcake - I like a hard strong conc
23:55:30Franz[INC]yea that is a decent move there fox
23:55:33Franz[INC]even with it not being one
23:55:41foxyeh i usually hit 1
23:56:06Franz[INC]i am good at this map on a good day
23:56:13Franz[INC]fox and i rape this if we are on the same team
23:56:19Franz[INC]he knows this to be true
23:56:39Franz[INC]lemme check it fruit
23:56:48Franz[INC]and hit the big
23:56:51Franz[INC]the main
23:57:08Franz[INC]yea with the right flag placement
23:57:11Franz[INC]that would be lethal
23:57:26Franz[INC]sup neon
23:57:29NeonLight-RS +M|M+hio
23:57:36Franz[INC]i played a few tfc pickups today
23:57:39Franz[INC]i played it for years
23:57:40foxhave u ever made this conc?
23:57:40NeonLight-RS +M|M+\o/
23:57:44Franz[INC]that game is hard now
23:57:47Franz[INC]lemme see fox
23:57:50NeonLight-RS +M|M+cause this game babied you
23:57:51Franz[INC]ok go for it
23:57:56Franz[INC]it has
23:57:58Franz[INC]your rightr
23:58:07Franz[INC]i played tfc for 7 years tho
23:58:10Franz[INC]before this
23:58:25Franz[INC]i had a skill and trick avi i was making for tfc
23:58:27Franz[INC]it was amazing
23:58:31Franz[INC]has necro vi
23:58:34Franz[INC]and hazord
23:58:38Franz[INC]a few others in it
23:58:42Franz[INC]i should of finished it
23:58:56Franz[INC]what conc are you trying fox?
23:59:01Franz[INC]lemme see again
23:59:11Franz[INC]its not possible?
23:59:15Franz[INC]or highly unkikely?
23:59:25foxwow lag
23:59:32Franz[INC]that was your cheat lag
23:59:35Franz[INC]looked like it
23:59:39Franz[INC]: p
00:00:22Franz[INC]i know what you mean
00:00:34Franz[INC]game is tuff to master for sure
00:00:43Franz[INC]i wish it still had a good community
00:00:58Franz[INC]when i first tried this game
00:01:03Franz[INC]i was training under a coret
00:01:05foxya made it
00:01:11Franz[INC]i cant remember his in game name
00:01:26Franz[INC]hes on my facebook
00:01:32Franz[INC]spoon knows him in real life
00:01:34Franz[INC]this was in like 09
00:01:37Franz[INC]game was poppin
00:01:51Franz[INC]neon probably knows him