Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:40:21true90 120
21:40:29truewant me to demo or engy?
21:40:43PrimE-it don't mattert
21:40:53PrimE-i guess
21:41:18PrimE-where is the 8th?
21:41:45titantossed 68~50
21:42:15cardinalsomeone else can sol if they want it
21:42:18cardinali suck on soldier
21:42:31Fruitcakedo we want a med?
21:42:32PrimE-we prob could find 1
21:42:35Fruitcakeor just 3 scout
21:42:38Fruitcakei think 3 scout
21:42:40titansleep tight pupper 38 35
21:42:46nniei think scout is good this map b/c u just need to toss it
21:42:49nnietossie tossie
21:43:01Fruitcakegl hf
21:45:14titantossed 70~48
21:45:39titantossed -1~24
21:45:54titantossed 64~50
21:46:08titantossed 4~26
21:46:43PrimE-let's repick?
21:47:06nnieback to 4v4 medieval?
21:47:22titan4v4 mulch imo
21:47:48titantossed 10~23
21:48:03titantossed 32~34
21:48:11titantossed 52~44
21:48:38titantossed -4~22
21:49:15titannew map or
21:49:16Fruitcakeshould we just do the 4v4 now and pick fair teams
21:49:19PrimE-new map