Time | Name | Global Chat | Blue Chat | Red Chat |
22:57:12 | cardinal | | was my mic working last rd | |
22:57:15 | fox | | ya | |
22:57:18 | Franz | 4-0 | | |
22:57:18 | cardinal | | ok rgr | |
22:57:22 | Franz | its happening boys | | |
22:57:23 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_BLUE Right Front Door | |
22:57:26 | Franz | rofl | | |
22:57:26 | cardinal | | had myself on loopback but i couldnt hear myself | |
22:57:31 | engy | | | |
22:57:33 | gobbleturk | can we ff at 4 at start another | | |
22:57:36 | gobbleturk | 5 | | |
22:58:03 | fox | | this is a d focus map | |
22:58:06 | raw | smokin a bong sec | | |
22:58:07 | Franz | | | honestly i dont think it will be that bad we have a good D team here |
22:58:11 | fox | this is a D focused map | | |
22:58:14 | gobbleturk | yo who saw my vote | | |
22:58:18 | gobbleturk | i voted less than 1 sec too lat | | |
22:58:21 | gobbleturk | to be tidal | | |
22:58:21 | ADmin01 | | it's also probably the map that most punishes chasing/not resetting | |
22:58:23 | ADmin01 | | 89.87: throwing flag at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room | |
22:58:30 | Franz | need a cig gige me 55 seconds | | |
22:58:36 | cardinal | | couldnt stop them at t | |
22:58:37 | cardinal | | lol | |
22:58:38 | cardinal | | my bad | |
22:58:39 | engy | fuck ur vote says ffpickupbot | | |
22:58:43 | ADmin01 | | your comms were great | |
22:58:48 | demo/ng/solly | that was funny gobble | | |
22:58:50 | cardinal | | thank u | |
22:58:57 | cardinal | | could only stop them at front door | |
22:59:11 | ADmin01 | | made it easy to choose when to spam/look for dets | |
22:59:31 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at Bridge | |
23:00:42 | ADmin01 | | 53.13: throwing flag at #FF_TEAM_RED Lower Route | |
23:01:26 | eric andre | brb 3min | | |
23:01:37 | raw | brb 2 hrs | | |
23:01:38 | Franz | really? | | |
23:03:58 | ADmin01 | | -8.0: throwing flag at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room | |
23:04:48 | eric andre | | | Medic.. [11|17] |
23:05:39 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Water Route | |
23:07:03 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route | |
23:07:07 | ADmin01 | | 74.100: throwing flag at #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room | |
23:07:14 | kilo | !score | | |
23:07:33 | kilo | | | |
23:07:40 | FDA | !last | | |
23:07:44 | FDA | | | |
23:07:50 | kilo | | | |
23:07:59 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Yard | |
23:08:07 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Water Route | |
23:09:24 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Lower Route | |
23:10:11 | engy | | | |
23:10:30 | engy | | | |
23:10:45 | FDA | | | |
23:10:53 | raw | gg | | |
23:11:00 | engy | | | |
23:11:00 | what's a lancet? | | | |
23:11:03 | eric andre | change to tidal | | |
23:12:30 | what's a lancet? | COAST TO COAST | | |
23:12:34 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall | |
23:12:37 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall | |
23:12:38 | what's a lancet? | RIZZO WITH TWO COAST TO COAST GRABS NOW | | |
23:12:42 | what's a lancet? | FOR TEAM FINLAND | | |
23:12:56 | what's a lancet? | HE CONCS IN AND AROUND... | | |
23:13:03 | what's a lancet? | AND MAKES THE DOUBLE LEG | | |
23:13:07 | Franz | lets call it | | |
23:13:26 | fox | !teams | | |
23:13:26 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? | | |
23:13:26 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? | | |
23:13:40 | fox | !teams | | |
23:13:40 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ ADmin01 ^0&^ oreo_ ^0&^ ? | | |
23:13:40 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? | | |
23:13:51 | ADmin01 | | 71.73: throwing flag at #FF_TEAM_RED Lower Route | |
23:14:02 | cardinal | !teams | | |
23:14:02 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ ADmin01 ^0&^ oreo_ ^0&^ cardinal_ | | |
23:14:02 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ titan ^0&^ ? | | |
23:14:14 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Right Front Door | |
23:14:34 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall | |
23:14:35 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall | |
23:14:36 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall | |
23:14:37 | fox | @teams | | |
23:14:37 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ ADmin01 ^0&^ oreo_ ^0&^ cardinal_ | | |
23:14:37 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ ? ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ titan ^0&^ ? | | |
23:14:53 | what's a lancet? | | | MEDIC! HEAL ME! ^2[^4-105^5|^30^2] @ #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room |
23:15:00 | fox | gobble add | | |
23:15:15 | cardinal | !teams | | |
23:15:15 | Console | ^1Team 1:^0 ^ foxxx ^0&^ ADmin01 ^0&^ oreo_ ^0&^ cardinal_ | | |
23:15:15 | Console | ^2Team 2:^0 ^ ? ^0&^ rawDawg ^0&^ titan ^0&^ ? | | |
23:15:16 | ADmin01 | | dispensing medpacks at #FF_TEAM_RED Yard | |
23:15:44 | fox | fda | | |
23:15:46 | fox | 78/ | | |
23:15:48 | fox | 7/8 | | |
Total | | | | |