Time | Name | Global Chat | Blue Chat | Red Chat |
21:18:35 | uhh | we fked | | |
21:19:24 | Porkachu | Fruitcake, Are those concs handheld or are you dropping them right before they explode? | | |
21:19:25 | The0ne- | my prediction 12-5--them | | |
21:19:33 | Porkachu | Okay thanks <3 | | |
21:19:41 | uhh | pork bun | | |
21:19:51 | Porkachu | Pork buns actually sound good | | |
21:20:06 | Frutcake | | prime ur deafened on disc not sure if u new that | |
21:20:15 | uhh | do you like pork bun | | |
21:20:21 | beees | YOU WANNA HAVE A PORK BUN | | |
21:20:31 | The0ne- | | nah i can't | |
21:20:32 | beees | a man whose never had pork bun is never a whoooole man | | |
21:20:37 | Porkachu | I like potato buns more | | |
21:20:41 | beees | fuck you | | |
21:20:44 | uhh | ayy | | |
21:20:51 | uhh | fox loves pork bun | | |
21:21:38 | beees | | | can I engi |
21:21:47 | The0ne- | | who is charles and uhh | |
21:21:49 | uhh | we dont need a demo | | |
21:21:54 | uhh | we run new strat | | |
21:21:56 | uhh | Kappa | | |
21:22:05 | The0ne- | | oh hadez is uhh? | |
21:22:31 | Charles | rt | | |
21:22:33 | Charles | r | | |
21:22:42 | Fruitcake | One sec, uhh can't find his .r key. | | |
21:23:11 | Fruitcake | gl hf | | |
21:25:55 | The0ne- | | not sure | |
21:35:06 | The0ne- | | nice 9 | |
21:35:16 | Frutcake | | thx good coord | |
21:37:40 | Fruitcake | ooh | | |
21:38:08 | The0ne- | | nice | |
Total | | | | |