Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:00:04Do it for the cultureprime ur blue kiddo
22:00:40Masked_Magiciannil needs a sub
22:02:06Do it for the cultureodium
22:02:09Do it for the culturepick the cpts
22:02:12Do it for the cultureand lets pick
22:02:48Masked_Magiciantry nine
22:03:27Do it for the cultureCR
22:03:28Do it for the cultureotw
22:04:03Do it for the culturefix blue
22:04:06Do it for the cultureodium red
22:04:08Do it for the cultureimho
22:04:24Do it for the culturefyi <---- my worst map
22:04:44Od!uMspoon <3
22:04:53Od!uMwho else
22:05:00Do it for the cultureidk man
22:05:02Do it for the culturefuck me nude
22:05:07Do it for the culturewho can hw?
22:05:38Do it for the culturewho can hw?
22:05:44foxi can
22:05:45Od!uMBlue Team@Prime-@spooooooon@fox@blackRed Team@Odium@titan@hamswag@CR
22:05:50tithit tab
22:05:53get guac any meansim the engie
22:06:00Od!uMBlue Team@Prime-@spooooooon@fox@blackRed Team@Odium@titan@hamswag@CR
22:06:00Do it for the culturefuck man
22:06:07Do it for the culturewe need a stong offense
22:06:12Do it for the cultureour d is gonna be awful
22:06:13Od!uMblack? can he hw?
22:06:17Do it for the culturebad offense
22:06:19Od!uMcr too right?
22:06:22Od!uMBlue Team@Prime-@spooooooon@fox@blackRed Team@Odium@titan@hamswag@CR
22:06:23Do it for the cultureget cr
22:06:33Do it for the culturemaybe we can get crunk too
22:06:36Do it for the culturehopefully
22:06:40Do it for the cultureCR red
22:06:46Od!uMcrunk or black hmmm
22:06:50Do it for the culturecrunk
22:06:52Do it for the cultureif hes left
22:06:56Do it for the culturehe wont be
22:07:07foxdid u pick 2?
22:07:15Od!uMspoon and CR
22:07:19Do it for the culturefuck ya
22:07:26Do it for the cultureCR can you hw?
22:08:46tittossed 48~47
22:08:56tittossed 48~47
22:09:27Do it for the culturebrad dont watch me
22:09:30Do it for the cultureits gonna be bad
22:09:33brodoxok im watching
22:09:42Do it for the cultureyou know those comms gonna be on point tho
22:12:29tittossed -37~7
22:14:11tittossed -46~0
22:15:10tittossed 35~33
22:15:47tittossed 71~50
22:16:22tittossed 54~44
22:16:29tittossed 70~50
22:17:20titok Od!uM
22:17:32tittossed 55~42
22:17:46tittossed 24~29
22:17:56titShootin my feet like yeah, Nadin the scouts like yeah! 75 50
22:18:11tittossed -37~7
22:18:32tittossed 71~49
22:19:35tit<_-7> sit down be humble 40 40
22:20:14tittossed 16~30
22:20:31tittossed 19~30
22:20:31tittossed -60~0
22:20:45tittossed 3~21
22:20:58tittossed -3~19
22:22:34titShootin my feet like yeah, Nadin the scouts like yeah! 27 31