Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:13:13[O-T] Titanr
00:14:40nilspoon your mic in game is always great
00:14:47FF_WATERCOOLER_B1thnx nil
00:14:55`qtnsame mic since 2009
00:15:00nilyeah i love it
00:15:23FF_WATERCOOLER_B1nil can u sub guy?
00:15:26FF_WATERCOOLER_B1on red
00:15:29nilway too drunk
00:15:42lennnil im playing drunk u can play drunk
00:15:50nilim also on a painkiller
00:15:53lennew wtf
00:15:58[O-T] Titanwe have guy
00:16:00nilmy wisdom teeth hurt
00:16:16flag capperdrinking after surgery PogChamp
00:16:21lennhow do u get wisdom teeth
00:16:22nilno no surgery yet
00:16:28niltheyre coming in and theyre painful
00:16:33lennhow does it work
00:16:35nilyoull get em soon
00:16:37nilthey just grow in
00:16:45lenndoes everyone get wisdom teeth?
00:16:50nilyeah pretty muhc
00:16:52lennmy parents had them when i was alittle kid
00:16:55niltheres some late bloomers though
00:16:57lennim 17 and i didnt get mine yet
00:17:00`qtnsome people are lucky
00:17:07nili started getting mine around 16 17
00:17:08lennis it rly that painful
00:17:08`qtntheirs dont grow out at all
00:17:16nilsome people dont have that much pain
00:17:17nili do
00:17:41[O-T] Titanr
00:17:57FF_WATERCOOLER_B1ready up
00:18:06`qtnyou gotta keep the tradition going
00:18:14`qtn1 hour warmup before pickup starts
00:18:29[O-T] Titanspec phaggots
00:19:30[O-T] Titan<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 94 276
00:20:02flag capperhahaaha
00:23:13[O-T] Titan56-178
00:23:44[O-T] Titan<britard> lm do you walk around your house with one of those plastic $1 grab-bag police badges on? 64 159
00:24:51flag cappertu dumb 1 27
00:26:21nilgo team
00:28:09flag cappertu dumb -29 12
00:29:12flag capperlol
00:33:37flag cappergg
00:33:45flag capper!map ff_high_flag_b4