Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:09:04Wheezy outta herewayne
20:09:07Wheezy outta heremed with me?
20:09:13squeek.missing damoose?
20:09:14( @$_$ ) =@k
20:09:25beeeswhere's moosy
20:09:29squeek.nil isnt on a team
20:10:20b.rdy up
20:10:24Wheezy outta hererdy up cockface
20:13:51b.u guys dc too?
20:13:54beeesyeah they dc
20:13:55R00kieSOME OF US
20:14:04b.i bet isp dropped?
20:14:05b.or saome shit?