Time | Name | Global Chat | Blue Chat | Red Chat |
20:55:40 | sab | !noclip | | |
20:55:43 | sab | !noclip sab | | |
20:55:52 | sab | !noclip sab | | |
20:56:00 | squeek. | ow | | |
20:56:07 | FDA | GET FUCKED FAGGET | | |
20:56:07 | small randy | Ban sab please. Racism. | | |
20:56:08 | small randy | Ban sab please. Racism. | | |
20:56:15 | craig | rofl | | |
20:56:27 | sab | !noclip sab | | |
20:56:37 | sab | !noclip sab | | |
20:57:53 | sab | | | wolf boy, we already have an hw guy |
20:58:00 | f8tey four | | | dude |
20:58:11 | Fruitcake | One sec, squeek. can't find his .r key. | | |
20:58:16 | squeek. | 2 hws | | |
20:58:25 | lambda | i do NOT wanna play solly on this fuckin map | | |
20:58:27 | sab | | | hello mr wolf |
20:58:32 | sab | can u play something other than hw | | |
20:58:32 | f8tey four | | | im hw |
20:58:57 | f8tey four | | | FUCKS SAKE |
20:58:59 | lambda | alright since wolfic wants to be a little diaper poopy baby | | |
20:59:11 | lambda | i'll play the worst class for this map and get screamed at by my team | | |
20:59:19 | vtb | hi | | |
20:59:47 | vtb | sab playing negi lol | | |
20:59:54 | small randy | | | |
20:59:56 | vtb | | | |
20:59:59 | squeek. | thats hdz | | |
21:00:10 | vtb | liars | | |
21:00:16 | small randy | hit shift tab | | |
21:00:18 | small randy | and call me a liar | | |
21:00:47 | sab | tu dumb 44 27 | | |
21:01:08 | Fruitcake | I'm watchin your butthole FDA. | | |
21:01:11 | small randy | Ban FDA please. Racism. | | |
21:02:55 | oreo | LEAVE ME LONE | | |
21:03:29 | small randy | move your gun please | | |
21:04:43 | small randy | can u put buddha on FDA please? | | |
21:04:45 | small randy | real quick | | |
21:04:47 | small randy | trust | | |
21:05:36 | lambda | imn the best hw | | |
21:05:38 | sab | oaky u can sabotage it now | | |
21:05:41 | lambda | nvm i shit | | |
21:05:50 | oreo | bruh | | |
21:05:55 | oreo | dick move lol | | |
21:06:44 | Fruitcake | SQUEEK PLS FIX | | |
21:06:45 | small randy | squeek | | |
21:06:49 | Fruitcake | FRIENDLY FIRE DEFUSES DETPACKS | | |
21:06:49 | small randy | im gonna ban myself | | |
21:06:52 | small randy | if u dont fix | | |
21:06:59 | squeek. | thats not what happened rofl | | |
21:07:05 | small randy | yes it is | | |
21:07:06 | lambda | ban oreo | | |
21:07:06 | squeek. | cant handle hdz superior strats | | |
21:07:12 | small randy | Ban sab please. Racism. | | |
21:07:32 | oreo | rofl | | |
21:07:35 | oreo | im dying rn | | |
21:07:36 | sab | lol | | |
21:07:54 | nap | wheres bid randy and medium randy | | |
21:07:57 | small randy | NOT ON MY WATCH 1 78 | | |
21:08:00 | sab | imagine having 3 kills 7 minutes in | | |
21:08:19 | nap | uthey were important proly | | |
21:08:21 | sab | 2 | | |
21:09:05 | small randy | ban squeek for tks | | |
21:09:50 | small randy | REOFL | | |
21:09:55 | sab | imagine having 1 frag 11 minutes in | | |
21:10:29 | lambda | imagine complaining about what class you wanna play, then switch 5 times and end up on the class you DONT wanna play | | |
21:12:20 | lambda | how many times can i team kill sqeek | | |
21:12:30 | squeek. | not enough | | |
21:12:46 | small randy | 0 kills 14 mins in? | | |
21:12:56 | lambda | no i wanna play hw | | |
21:13:00 | lambda | no I WANNA PLAY HW | | |
21:13:02 | lambda | let me play HW | | |
21:13:06 | lambda | ok im playing solly | | |
21:13:25 | f8tey four | i hate u all | | |
21:13:28 | small randy | leave then | | |
21:13:33 | lambda | tbh | | |
21:13:34 | small randy | u stupid fuck | | |
21:13:43 | f8tey four | no i im just being honest | | |
21:13:47 | small randy | so am i | | |
21:13:53 | lambda | finally lost my patience for this shit today | | |
21:13:53 | sab | you dont qualify for the next pickup | | |
21:13:56 | small randy | leave before i send the polic to your house | | |
21:14:10 | sab | 2 kills were needed to qualify | | |
Total | | | | |