Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
19:59:14gillie-da-kidchef shouldn't be allowed to add
20:00:23lambdadot are
20:00:40FruitcakeOne sec, lambda can't find his .r key.
20:01:59chefmou7h^6:: ^5100 ^6::
20:02:27chefmou7h^6::^2 5s^7 det ^6::
20:03:47chefmou7h^6::^2 5s^7 det ^6::
20:06:53f8tey 4oursuub me
20:06:55f8tey 4ourgod
20:06:59BIG RANDYwhy
20:07:06Fruitcakewill sub as spy to compensate teams
20:12:59chefmou7h^6::^4 51 ^6::
20:15:03chefmou7h^6::^2 5s^7 det ^6::
20:15:36chefmou7hban this faggot