Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:57:04tittossed 71~50
21:57:48the biohaZr
21:57:50Fruitcakeonly fun time to play hwg is COP
21:57:54craigcountry never seen this
21:58:05the biohaZok
21:58:10mikethink im good
21:58:21tittossed -475~0
21:58:28FruitcakeSpoon: button bout to be a fuckin ocean
21:58:52FruitcakeOmar.vzla: why not?
21:58:52Fruitcakemike is as straight as a ^2r^0a^3i^4n^1b^9o^8w
21:58:56who picked these teams[33 / 39] heated gamer moment
21:59:29tittossed -19~14
21:59:41get a load of this guyblue by 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
22:00:05tittossed -21~10
22:00:42tittossed -11~16
22:01:07who picked these teams[22 / 27] heal pls
22:01:22who picked these teams[7 / 7] heal pls
22:01:33tittossed 4~22
22:02:04tittossed 29~34
22:02:17tittossed -18~13
22:02:29tittossed 54~42
22:02:52FruitcakeIf 1 scout is good why not 4
22:03:17tittossed -11~21
22:03:49tittossed 13~28
22:03:52tittossed -22~14
22:04:02tittossed -7~23
22:04:24tittossed 42~42
22:04:55tittossed 47~40
22:05:36who picked these teams[37 / 59] heal pls
22:05:47tittossed 42~40
22:07:31who picked these teams[20 / 43] heal pls
22:07:40tittossed -8~17
22:07:52tittossed -24~10
22:08:06who picked these teams[1 / 36] heal pls
22:10:01tittossed -34~6
22:10:05get a load of this guyROFOL
22:10:06crzyaznsteveOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 75 50
22:10:35tittossed 12~25
22:10:46tittossed 65~46
22:10:47tittossed 19~27
22:12:00tittossed -6~17
22:12:00get a load of this guyrofl
22:12:13tittossed 13~25
22:12:40tittossed -3~20
22:13:27titShootin my feet like yeah, Nadin the scouts like yeah! 75 50
22:13:38crzyaznstevetu dumb -4878 0