Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:29:00who picked these teams[75 / 50] flag thrown @
22:29:21K-Holei wonder if spy works on this
22:30:33get a load of this guythis is gonna be a shit show
22:30:40K-Holedo you think spy works on this
22:30:51get a load on this guyno idea
22:32:12get a load of this guyhe gone
22:34:29get a load of this guyNOT ON MY WATCH 80 50
22:34:46chefmou7h. r
22:37:39who picked these teams[36 / 45] heal pls
22:38:02chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 -896 ^6::
22:39:29who picked these teams[13 / 13] heal pls
22:39:46who picked these teams[13 / 13] heal pls
22:39:47get a load of that guythis map looks like destroy and bases fucked
22:40:05brodoxrubbed themselves with orange before doing so
22:40:12get a load of that guyright
22:40:14who picked these teams[66 / 84] heal pls
22:40:17who picked these teams[38 / 43] heal pls
22:40:35who picked these teams[68 / 87] heal pls
22:40:38chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 -2 ^6::
22:40:42K-Holebuild is where
22:41:09chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 51 ^6::
22:41:33who picked these teams[33 / 37] heal pls
22:41:44chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 -4 ^6::
22:41:51who picked these teams[37 / 41] heal pls
22:42:04who picked these teams[9 / 41] heal pls
22:42:20chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 26 ^6::
22:42:25get a load of this guyROFL
22:42:29chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 -21 ^6::
22:42:50K-Holealmost out
22:43:39chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 30 ^6::
22:43:57chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 18 ^6::
22:44:08chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 -54 ^6::
22:44:10who picked these teams[49 / 62] heal pls
22:44:18chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 70 ^6::
22:44:23who picked these teams[30 / 36] heal pls
22:44:26who picked these teams[8 / 2] heal pls
22:45:34get a load on this guy?
22:46:49who picked these teams[24 / 16] heal pls
22:46:53get a load of that guy
22:47:07chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 67 ^6::
22:47:14who picked these teams[13 / 6] heal pls
22:47:20chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 14 ^6::
22:47:26get a load of this guystop respawn camping
22:47:30chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 55 ^6::
22:47:41get a load on this guystop front door sg
22:47:48chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 43 ^6::
22:47:57chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 -17 ^6::
22:48:05chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 -80 ^6::
22:49:00chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 75 ^6::
22:49:06who picked these teams[27 / 28] heal pls
22:49:13who picked these teams[27 / 28] heal pls
22:49:22chefmou7h^6:: ^5tossed^4 8 ^6::
22:50:04K-Holei tried to