Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:50:48K-Holeshut up fag spy worked lol
22:51:13get a load of this guyengy is crazy on this map
22:51:22get a load of this guytakes 3 years to get to fr
22:52:04K-Holeidon't think eng even works on this
22:52:31K-Holefruitcake mostly killed me..the gun was easy to get
22:54:01K-Holeha rgr
22:54:22K-Holei didn't feel like going that way homie
22:54:54who picked these teams[22 / 18] heal pls
22:54:57chefmou7h^6::^4 39 ^6::
22:55:49get a load on this guyrstaerting
22:55:59who picked these teams[41 / 23] flag thrown @
22:56:02get a load on this guyi hit two airshots on my screen
22:56:06get a load on this guythen i lagged back to the flagroom
22:56:08get a load on this guyand my butt in my ass
22:56:15get a load on this guyneed sub
22:56:35get a load on this guy.s
22:56:37get a load on this guy.s
22:56:43who picked these teams[39 / 21] flag thrown @
22:56:48get a load on this guy.s
22:57:11get a load on this guycan i get an adminu pleas
22:57:51who picked these teams[50 / 39] flag thrown @
22:58:49get a load of this guymatt being a crybabyh?
22:59:41who picked these teams[55 / 63] flag thrown @
22:59:56get a load of this guythe fuckj
23:00:54get a load of this guyNOT ON MY WATCH 21 32
23:01:28get a load of this guymove
23:01:40who picked these teams[35 / 22] heal pls
23:04:37who picked these teams[90 / 100] flag thrown @
23:04:39get a load of this guyWAIT HOW DO I TOSS IT OUT? 0 21
23:05:37get a load of this guyWAIT HOW DO I TOSS IT OUT? 80 50
23:06:30who picked these teams[23 / 10] heal pls
23:06:37chefmou7hdumb map
23:06:45Fruitcakethat means the maps great
23:06:47Fruitcakethx chef
23:06:52get a load of that guyno